Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


Cyrans maintain that they alone were in the right during
the Last War, which began when the other nations
refused to acknowledge the Cyran queen's rightful
claim to the throne of Galifar. Proud until the end, Cyre
clashed with all the other nations. Now Cyre is de­
stroyed, and Cyran refugees everywhere are dependent
on the kindness of their former �nemies. But many of
those people believe that Cyre deserves no mercy, and
that the refugees should be treated as enemy combat­
ants rather than offered charity and compassion.

The enmity between these two nations runs far deeper
and longer than what was wrought by the Last War.
Thrane is the bastion of the Church of the Silver Flame,
while Karrnath resorted to necromancy in the course of
the war. Thranes accuse Karrns of being morally bank­
rupt; Karrns say that the Thranes are arrogant and na­
ive. This long-standing rivalry led to intense conflict in
the early days of the war, and it only grew worse. When
Thrane became a theocracy, Karrns seized on this act
as proof that the nation had abandoned the traditions
of Galifar. When Karrnath integrated undead into its
armies, Thrane swore it would never be at peace with
those who would use such foul magic. Both nations have
accepted the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold, and the
Karrnathi king has forsworn the creation of new undead
soldiers, but the treaty has done nothing to ease the en­
mity between the two.

The ancient city of Thaliost was once part of Aundair,
and it has many proud ties to the history of that nation.
It was seized by Thrane during the Last War, and the
Treaty of Thronehold ratified its occupation of the
place. Thrane placed an Aundairian archbishop, Solgar
Dariznu, in charge of the city, and it has become a haven
for Aundairian followers of the Silver Flame. But many
of its citizens consider themselves to be Aundairians,
and many prominent citizens of Aundair are putting
great pressure on Queen Aurala to retake the city. The
tension has been exacerbated by Archbishop Dariznu,
who has taken brutal action to suppress Aundairian op­
position to Thrane's occupation of the city.

The elves ofValenar have broken the terms of the Treaty
of Thronehold on several occasions. They regularly
antagonize their neighbors, raiding and provoking ev­
eryone in reach of their war bands; some independent
war bands have even crossed the Talenta Plains to raid
across the borders of Karrnath and Q'barra. High King
Vadallia insists that these are the actions of individual
soldiers, but he refuses to take action against the perpe­
trators. Some scholars believe Vadallia and the Valenar
are trying to provoke a full-scale conflict-by the stric­
tures of their religion they don't want to be conquerors,
but they want a powerful enemy to attack their nation. If
this hypothesis is true, they might continue to escalate
their activity until Karrnath or another powerful nation
is forced to react.


Though the Valenar regularly raid their neighbors,
these attacks rarely target civilians. The elves aren't
interested in wealth or territory; they are looking for
challenging battles. They might attack military outposts,
patrols, adventurers, or other brigands-any force that
seems like it could put up a good fight.

There's no place in Khorvaire that escaped the Last War
unscathed. Even villages that were never attacked lost
their children to conscription or suffered from short­
ages. Some towns far from the front lines suffered dam­
age from long-distance magic weapons or terror attacks.
Any time you are setting a scene, you could add some
element that speaks to the ongoing impact of the Last
War. The Everyday Impact table offers some suggestions
for these elements.

d6 Impact
A supply shortage is causing tension in the commu­
nity. This shortage could be of a basic commodity
(such as bread), a luxury item (such as wine), or an
important service.
2 Demonstrators in the streets are protesting against
refugees or warforged, urging a return to war, com­
plaining about shortages or neglect, or drawing atten­
tion to the needs of veterans, refugees, or others.
3 A disabled veteran shares war stories while begging
for copper.
4 A crowd has gathered around two people engaged in
a heated discussion about the war.
5 A street vendor is selling unusual souvenirs from the
war-pieces of a warforged titan, shards of an airship,
and other curiosities.
6 A memorial has been raised to commemorate mem­
bers of the community lost in the war.

No one knows what caused the Mourning, and the fear
of repeating this cataclysm-not the Treaty of Throne­
hold-is what keeps potential combatants at bay. No one
is happy with the outcome of the war, but no one dares
to continue fighting, since all believe that renewed full­
scale conflict could result in utter destruction. That said,
the general belief is that the mystery of the Mourning
will eventually be solved. Either someone will learn how
to control the power that caused the Mournland, or the
precise cause will be determined and people will be able
to tell if it still poses a threat.
Many people truly hope that the Last War will live up
to its name forever. But others prepare for more war
even as they pursue peace. First and foremost, every
nation wants to unravel the mystery of the Mourning; a
nation that could learn how to use this power would be
unstoppable. Other forces are searching for weapons or
forgotten powers that could turn the tide if another war
breaks out. Adventurers could find themselves racing
through ruins in Xen'drik, trying to destroy a weapon of
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