Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


Few people have reason to spend time anywhere near
the Mournland. Among the exceptions are those who
seek to plunder the riches of lost Cyre, such as Ikar's
Salvage (described below). These treasure hunters are
also the kind of people who make interesting villains,
teaming up with adventurers one day and betraying
them the next.
In addition to these salvagers, the Lord of Blades
(described in more detail earlier in this chapter and
in chapter 6) is a major force in the Mournland. The
Mournland Villains table suggests other possible evil
schemes and influences that might arise in connection
with the Mournland.

d6 Villain






The Lord of Blades maintains a detention center
where experiments are performed on adventurers and
scavengers that his forces capture in the Mournland.
The leader of a cult devoted to Belashyrra, the Lord of
Eyes, uses daelkyr-made tentacles to tear out the eyes
of victims and attaches them to members of the cult.
A powerful member of House Cannith hopes to find
something in the Mournland that will guarantee the
ascendancy of her branch of the house.
A Karrnathi bone knight (see chapter 6) wants to raise
up an undead army from the corpses in the Mourn­
A rakshasa works to free a fiendish overlord trapped
in a whirlwind of stone and sand somewhere in the
A servant of the Lords of Dust maintains an extensive
collection of severed heads and continues to draw on
the knowledge in their brains.

In contrast to the salvagers and treasure hunters who
undertake most of the expeditions to the Mournland,
some individuals enter the churning mist with good
intentions in mind. Most of these adventurers are dis­
placed Cyrans or are hired by such people, ranging from
common folk hoping to retrieve family heirlooms to
servants of Prince Oargev, who hopes to recover the lost
regalia of the Cyran crown.
Two of the dragonmarked houses, Orien and Cannith,
also have vested interests in investigating the Mourn­
land's ruins and often hire adventurers to pursue those
interests. House Orien wants to restore the lightning
rail line that crosses the Mournland, which would re­
connect the western and eastern halves of Khorvaire.
House Cannith wants to recover trade secrets, exper­
imental artifacts, and magic items from the creation
forges, foundries, and secret laboratories it lost on the
Day of Mourning.
The Mournland Adventure Hooks table includes a
range of potential opportunities that could lead a group
of adventurers into the Mournland.


d6 Adventure Hook
A Gatekeeper druid wants a rock sample from the
Glass Plateau.
2 A magewright from House Cannith wants the party to
escort him to a warforged colossus (see page 223).
The magewright wants to retrieve the docent network
from the colossus before an unscrupulous House
Phiarlan operative does so.
3 On her deathbed, the visionary artist who designed
the lightning rail station at Metrol reveals that she hid
a treasure map within a lamp in her old office.
4 A wealthy eccentric asks the party to go into the
Mournland and retrieve his most prized possession
(a letter from a lover, a mechanical caterpillar, or any­
thing else you devise) from his mansion.


A young Cyran paladin is morose because she was
away from Cyre on a mission when the Day of Mourn­
ing occurred and never got to say goodbye to her fam­
ily. She longs to retrieve her father's sword.
An elderly knight is strapping on his armor one last
time so he can ride into the Mourn land and die on
the battlefield where his companions perished and
"where I should have been."

The Mournland is a dangerous place full of bizarre,
inexplicable, and often localized magical effects-liter­
ally anything can happen in this place. The Mournland
Encounters table and the Mournland Trinkets table offer
just a glimpse of the weirdness that adventurers might
come across in their travels into the ruins of Cyre.

d6 Encounter
The party meets flickering images of their future
selves who are trying desperately to communicate,
but their message is garbled.
2 The party encounters a revenant who was murdered
by House Cannith assassins after she learned too
much about the house's secret research. The char­
acters can appease her by promising to help her get
3 A tiny kitten mews from inside a hollow log. Within
a few hours after being freed, it grows into an adult
displacer beast.
4 The apparition of a parent searches for their lost
child. As soon as the two are reunited, parent and
spirit child both vanish.
5 The mist congeals into the form of a long-lost love
of one of the adventurers. The mist apparition (use
the ghost stat block) wants the character to stay here
6 The characters come across the skull of a buried
warforged colossus.
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