Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


dlOO Passenger 53-54 A silver dragon in human form observes the inter-
01-02 A human merchant of obvious means seems to be actions of the clientele, paying close attention to
deliberately drawing attention, loudly calling out any dragon marked characters.
their name and the time of day. 55-56 A House Cannith tinker examines the structure of
03-04 Two shifters drinking and spoiling for a fight. the vehicle closely, looking concerned and asking
05-06 A warforged quietly reads a book cal led The Ma- questions about possible escape procedures.
chine Manifesto. 57-58 A one-eyed human (actually an Inspired agent of
07-08 A half-elf sits down, says, "Beware-the wolf howls the Dreaming Dark) watches everyone carefully.
at midnight," and leaves without further comment. 59-60 A disheveled human magewright offers meager
09-10 A gnome watches everyone carefully, writing down magical skills in return for food or spare coins.
observations in a tiny orange book. 61-62 A warforged leaning on a wooden staff carries on a
11- 12 A one-armed Brelish veteran verbally assaults any conversation with the docent attached to its chest.
warforged he sees, blaming them for his injury. 63-64 A human pickpocket circulates among the passen-
13-14 A well-dressed human sits awkwardly next to the gers, looking for another victim.
wall, seemingly trying to avoid touching or being 65-66 A human from Aundair obsessively checks and re-
touched by anyone else. checks their traveling papers.

15 -1 (^6) A cloaked figure moves slowly past, pausing briefly 67-68 An artificer tinkers with a new invention.
upon catching sight of the party. 69-70 An attractive half-elf makes advances toward a
17 -1 8 An acolyte of the Silver Flame preaches loudly in an number of other passengers.
attempt to convert an essentially captive audience. 71- 72 An apprentice wizard draws arcane symbols on the
19 -20 A destitute bard plays the harp with mediocre skill win dow, glaring at anyone who interrupts.
while asking for donations. 73 -74 A dwarf with a bandaged wound checks it re-
21-22 A deaf couple communicate with each other by peatedly, occasionally pouring whiskey on it and
sign language, but suddenly stop when they notice wincing.
they are being watched. 75-76 A young, red-haired human flirtatiously tries to get
23-24 A frail human with a small strongbox shackled to other passengers to buy drinks.
one of her wrists is in the company of two heavily 77-78 An Aerenal elf sits silently, trying to ignore the
armed half-ore bodyguards. stares of other passengers.
25-26 Three hobgoblin mercenaries from House Deneith 79-80 A disheveled old human loudly proclaims that the
discuss their plans in their native tongue. end of the world is nigh, according to the dragons.
27-28 A harried dwarf tries to keep three children cor- 81 -82 A human child is apparently traveling with no par-
railed, but the oldest one keeps sneaking away. ent or guardian.
29-30 A bored changeling practices duplicating the faces 83-84 A nervous goblin holds traveling papers out to any-
of the guests. Not all of them are amused. one passing by, as if expecting to be challenged at
31- 32 A shifter glowers in a corner booth, looking angry any moment.
at the world. 85-86 Four kalashtar monks meditate, burning incense
33-34 A warforged bard uses its body as a percussion and chanting quietly.
instrument to entertain the patrons. 87-88 A rogue tries to swindle other passengers by using
35-36 A dog with no apparent owner wanders around. marked cards.
37-38 Two Karrnathi soldiers seem extremely nervous 89-90 A House Tharashk inquisitive examines the floor of
and speak to no one. the vessel very carefully, offering no explanation.
39-40 A halfling leads a tiny pet dinosaur on a leash, tug- 91 -92 A group of unremarkable farmers are transporting
ging at it whenever it tries to examine something. a strange device that bears Draconic runes.
41 -42 A half-ore sits with a small potted plant, whisper- 93-94 A cleric of the Sovereign Host seems annoyed and
ing to it in Ore. is rude to several pious passengers who ask for
43-44 A well-dressed dwarf wearing eight copper rings blessings.
paces restlessly. 95- 96 An older human reads the Korranberg Chronicle,
45-46 A halfling from House Ghallanda offers food and loudly proclaiming outrage at every story.
drink to all passengers except elves or half-elves. 97-98 Roll again; the travelers are one or more change-
47-48 An elf bard from House Phiarlan whispers conspir- lings appearing to be whatever the second roll
atorially with a member of the vehicle's crew. indicates.
49-50 A kalashtar is trying too hard to pass as human, 99-00 Roll twice more; the two travelers indicated are
conspicuously and awkwardly using human slang. about to come to a very obvious conflict of some
51 -52 A young half-elf in adventuring garb weeps openly. kind (verbal or physical).

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