Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Every city, most towns, and even some villages have a
Gold Dragon Inn, and a large city might boast several.
Every major road through the countryside has Gold
Dragon Inns along much of its length, spaced roughly a
day's travel apart. Sometimes an inn is the nucleus of a
small community whose industry is focused on provid­
ing for the needs of travelers. A few Gold Dragon Inns
are found in locations that offer no other comforts for
the weary traveler-for example, high in a pass through
the Byeshk Mountains, deep in the Karrnwood, or be­
neath the surface of the Mror Holds.

Every Gold Dragon Inn provides a standard menu of
reliable services at reasonable rates. Prices are fixed
(equal to those given in chapter 5 of the Player's Ha nd­
book), and the quality of services is reliably modest, with
some comfortable upgrades available. Every inn uses
one of a small number of possible floor plans, and every
inn's restaurant offers the same menu.
The size and number of guest rooms can vary from
inn to inn: a small roadside inn has four rooms and a
moderately sized common room, while a thriving inn in
a large city has forty rooms, a restaurant, and a sepa­
rate common room, with two stages for entertainment.
Because the inns are owned by House Ghallanda, the
buildings all include accommodations for halfiing-sized
guests as well as taller folk.
Because travelers often carry valuables with them,
each inn has a heavy strongbox secured with an arcane
lock spell. To make a traveler's stay more enjoyable,
perhaps even memorable, House Ghallanda has ar­
ranged with House Thuranni and House Phiarlan to
employ guild-licensed entertainers at almost every Gold
Dragon Inn.
To populate an inn with some distinctive individ­
uals, you can use the Mysterious Passengers ta­
ble (page 237).

The Inn Attractions table offers some ideas for unique
twists on an inn's character or atmosphere.

d6 Attraction
The bartender is a changeling who is always mimick­
ing the patrons for a laugh.
2 The innkeeper is 7 feet tall, claiming to have grown 2
feet after venturing into the mist of the Mournland.
3 Rumor has it that the innkeeper here is a gold dragon
cloaked in a humanoid guise.

(^4) This inn is haunted by a ghost who loves to sit by the
fireplace and tell stories-but it has been accused of
more sinister activities once the fire burns down to
embers and the guests are in their beds.
5 The inn has a blink dog that wanders around with her
five pups, all of them eager for attention and treats.
(^6) This inn offers "the true Talenta experience"-the
halfling family that runs it keeps pet dinosaurs.


Chapter 3 describes the city of Sharn in detail; the
following sections focus on the adventures that can hap­
pen there. These adventures can unfold among the tall­
est towers of Skyway, in the deepest depths of the Cogs,
or anywhere in between. At the end of this chapter is an
introductory adventure, "Forgotten Relics," set in Sharn.
Sharn can be a grim place that makes good people
bad and bad people worse. In its mean streets, gritty
detectives contend with corrupt law officers while try­
ing to foil the efforts of merciless gangs and monstrous
thugs. In the highest towers, wealthy barons from the
dragonmarked houses make shady deals with crime
bosses, each of them making profits by exploiting both
the ordinary folk and the well-heeled upper crust alike.
Corruption can be found among the ranks of govern­
ment, the watch, the temples, and large businesses. This
atmosphere makes Sharn a perfect location for adven­
tures inspired by the noir genre.
Sharn can also be a place of unrelenting action, rang­
ing from soarsleds speeding between the towertops to
confrontations in the dungeon depths far beneath the
city's lowest tier. Fallen angels, sinister shapeshifters,
and monstrous mercenaries do battle with heroes from
all walks of life, while unscrupulous collectors and
smugglers carry on a brisk trade in artifacts brought
back from the cyclopean ruins of Xen'drik. All these
factors make Sharn an equally ideal location for adven­
tures inspired by pulp action.
You can use the Life in the City table to generate ideas
for adventures set in Sharn.

d6 Adventure Seed



A homicidal changeling has killed two members of
different dragon marked houses, and doesn't plan to
stop until one heir from each of the dragonmarked
houses is dead.
A jeweled statuette has fallen into the hands of House
Tarkanan, and a powerful member of the Au rum will
stop at nothing to obtain it. The statuette's real worth
lies in the secret plans hidden inside it.
A Karrnathi undead soldier troubled by sporadic
memories of his former life is trying to locate his
wife and family, who have fled Karrnath and now live
somewhere in the lower districts of Sharn.
4 A shifter shopkeeper in Lower Northedge is being ha­
rassed by ruffians who believe that she and her family
are lycanthropes.
5 A dragonmarked baron is found dead in her Upper
Central mansion, seemingly a victim of some sort of
ritual slaying. Outside help is needed to solve this
delicate matter.
6 A radiant idol (see chapter 6) has formed a cult that
attracts professors and staff of Morgrave University,
promising them knowledge beyond imagining in ex-
change for their worship.

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