Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

dl2 Event
A few gargoyles perch on a mansion's walls. They're
seemingly there for security, but they offer lively com­
mentary about everyone who passes by.
2 A noble with auburn hair held in a silver diadem holds
a darkwood staff encrusted .with dragonshards, and
taps it impatiently while waiting for a skycoach.
3 You pass by a hope well. Supposedly, any coins you
throw in the well are gathered and transported down
to help the troubled people of the lower wards.
4 "Make way! Make way!" A boy clears a path for a jew­
el-encrusted warforged wearing a lavish fur cloak.
5 You come upon a fountain of cold fire. In the center,
a brass dragon spits brilliant flames into the air, and
they spill down and out into the surrounding pool.
A team of handlers from House Vadalis walk along­
side a small gelatinous cube. "We're trying it out, see­
ing if it can help keep things clean," they say.
A magewright offers to use a simple charm to polish
the coins in your purse for just 3 copper crowns.
"We wouldn't want anyone here to get grime on their
gloves from handling those filthy coins of yours from
the lower wards."
8 A tour group pauses to marvel at a mansion.
(^9) A large statue commemorates Lord Dalian ir'Tain, a
noble philanthropist lost at sea at the end of the Last
War. He holds a spyglass in one hand and a miniature
dragon turtle in the other.
10 A warforged with roses twined around her limbs of­
fers to sell you a bouquet for five silver sovereigns.
11 It starts to drizzle. A well-dressed half-elf glares at the
sky and snaps his fingers. The rain immediately stops.
(^12) A member of the Sharn Watch stops you. "Can I help
you? Are you sure you're in the right ward?"
Sharn heights are intersections of bridges and platforms
in Sham that make the perfect place for a meeting,
theft, or assassination. The crisscrossing paths of Sham
heights allow criminals to come and go in different
directions, looking like normal passersby as they trade
information, cut purses, or throw people to their dooms.
Map 4.11 shows a typical Sham location that contains
intersections of bridges and platforms. Each bridge
is 20 feet higher (on average) than the one immedi­
ately below it.
The bridges are connected to businesses and resi­
dences. The residences are usually locked, while most
shops lock up at night. The taverns and gambling dens
are open for business all day and well into the night.
One of the bridges connects to a skycoach parking
station, which houses several of those vehicles. Other
bridges lead to an elevator, garden overlooks, and
staircases that take pedestrians farther up and down
into the city.
Adventures in Sham heights are perfect for pulp action
scenes. Narrow bridges, moving platforms, and great
heights come together in a public place that's a perfect
location for swashbuckling battles, tense hostage nego­
tiations, and over-the-top heists. The Sham Heights Ad­
ventures table offers reasons why your characters might
need to visit such a location. In addition, the characters
could meet with a Boromar Clan or House Tarkanan
patron in Sharn heights.
d4 Adventure Goal
Pose as House Tarkanan operatives to capture a
wanted criminal with an aberrant dragon mark. The
criminal is waiting on a bridge for his House Tarkanan
escort to arrive.
Obtain a satchel of evidence obtained by a goblin who
has infiltrated Daask. The goblin, who is working with
the Boromar Clan or the Sharn Watch to take down
key Daask operatives, is waiting on a bridge.
Break into a building connected to Sharn heights to
steal something valuable.
Stop a crooked Sharn Watch official who is trying to
reach a skycoach and flee the city to escape arrest.
From the owners of incense-clouded dens to fast-talking
street dealers, many entrepreneurs-legitimate and oth­
erwise-make a profitable business selling narcotics in
Sharn. The following drugs are just two of the most notori­
ous substances available in the City of Towers and beyond.
Dragon's Blood. Introduced into Sharn by Daask, drag·
on's blood is a potent and highly addictive stimulant. In
addition to inducing euphoria, it can enhance spellcasting
ability or even temporarily imbue a user with the ability to
cast sorcerer spells. The drug's effects are potentially dan­
gerous and always unpredictable. This isn't something a
player character should want to use; adventurers are more
likely to interfere with Daask smugglers or deal with an
addict who accidentally casts a.fireball in a crowded street.
The specific effects of dragon's blood are up to you, but
you can take inspiration from the Wild Magic Surge table
in the Player's Handbook.
Dreamlily. A psychoactive liquid that smells and tastes
like your favorite beverage, essence of dreamlily is a
Sarlonan opiate. First imported to help manage pain
during the Last War, it's now the most commonly abused
substance in Sharn. Though dream lily isn't illegal if used
for medicinal purposes, it's heavily taxed, and thus most
dream lily is smuggled in and sold on the black market.
Dreamlily dens can be found across the lower wards. Con­
suming dreamlily causes disorienting euphoria and brings
about remarkable resistance to pain. A creature under the
effects of dream lily is poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned
in this way, the creature is immune to fear, and the first
time it drops to 0 hit points without being killed outright,
it drops to 1 hit point instead. A dose of dream lily costs
around 1 gp, or up to ten times that if purchased through
legal channels. There are many varieties of the drug, how­
ever, and the duration or the price might vary accordingly.

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