Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

d4 Assignment
Steal a satchel full of research on the War of the Mark,
carried by a wizard who works at Morgrave University.
2 Kill a Karrnathi warlord who is visiting Sharn, and
make it look like an accident.
3 Kill a target before she signs her last will and testa­
ment to assign her property to a new heir.
4 Rescue a dreamlily dealer with an aberrant mark who
has been captured by the Sharn Watch.
The House Tarkanan Adventure Hooks table presents
ideas for adventures themed around House Tarkanan.
d4 Adventure Hook
House Tarkanan disturbed the dead during an expe­
dition to Old Sharn, causing undead to terrorize the
city above.
2 House Tarkanan declares war on the dragon marked
houses in Sharn and begins killing nobles in the
streets. Many of the houses' businesses in the city are
shut down as fear spreads.
(^3) A victim who was killed by a House Tarkanan assassin
returns as an undead that tries to kill anyone who
bears an aberrant mark.
4 House Tarkanan steals a key that can disable a ticking
time bomb created by an artificer.
It is common knowledge that those with aberrant marks
can't be trusted. It's not their fault; they're touched by
Khyber, and the Dragon Below twists their minds. All
aberrants will eventually become killers. And though I
can see the appeal in using these creatures as weapons
against our enemies, how could we bring such vipers
into our midst?
According to a high-ranking source in the King's Cit­
adel, this secret operation predictably ended in disaster.
After a few missions, the strike force slew their handlers
and deserted, disappearing into the criminal underworld.
They could be anywhere. There can be no clearer sign
that it's time to bring down the monarchy and institute
a government that is chosen by and answerable to the
common people!


No criminal guild in Sharn is more shrouded in mystery
than the Tyrants. This organization of changelings deals
in secrets and lies, selling forgeries, running long cons,
and treating identities as a commodity. The Tyrants
have spies throughout the city, even in places where
they have no current plans or contracts. The organiza­
tion gathers as many secrets as possible, then sells that
information to the highest bidder, uses it for blackmail,
or stores it for a time when it becomes useful.
The Tyrants have been operating in Sharn for over
three hundred years from a base of operations in the
Dragoneyes district, in Lower Tavick's Landing. They
have agents spread across the city. A beggar, a bar­
tender, or a courtier could actually be a persona crafted
by a Tyrant changeling. The Tyrants have a long-stand­
ing truce with the Boromar Clan and don't take a side in
the halfling family's conflict with Daask.

The Ty rants are master grifters, conducting a host of
short and long cons throughout the city. Much like the
Boromar Clan, they have a general live-and-let-live rela­
tionship with the Sharn Watch. As long as the Tyrants
focus their crimes on foreigners and tourists-and
donate generously to the local Watch-the officers will
look the other way. In addition to pursuing their own
schemes for gold, Tyrant charlatans offer a host of ser­
vices to their clients; they can help to frame innocents
for crimes, or make it possible for a criminal to seem to
be in two places at once, providing an ironclad alibi.
The finest forgers in the city are in the ranks of the
Tyrants, capable of duplicating anything from identifi­
cation papers to works of art. Magewrights among the
Ty rants have the ability to permanently alter someone's
First and foremost, the Ty rants deal in information.
They hoard secrets, and for the right price they can be
persuaded to share what they know. Occasionally a Ty­
rant approaches someone with an offer of information in
exchange for gold.

Members of the Tyrants have a loose definition of iden­
tity. The majority of the members are changelings. They
often maintain multiple identities, and a particular
identity might be shared among a group of changelings.
A captain in the Sharn Watch who is actually an agent
of the Ty rants might be portrayed by a member of the
Tyrants' inner circle in the morning, when he has to in­
teract with a wide range of people. But when he goes off­
duty in the evening and keeping up the identity is an eas­
ier task, the role might be taken over by a young recruit.
The following individuals are some of the Tyrant's
most important identities:

  • Ek, often called Tyrant One, guides the inner circle of
    changelings that leads the organization.

  • Kilk is the city councilor for Lower Tavick's Landing
    and is a fictional persona created by the Tyrants,
    played by a variety of changelings at different times.

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