Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
When Orgon enters the lift, he demands the char­
acters get out of the car. If the characters don't leave,
Organ attacks them. Organ fights until reduced to 10 hit
points then surrenders. A successful DC 12 Charisma
(Intimidation) check gets Orgon to admit to being a
member of Daask and gets him to show the characters
how to bring the lift down to the ruins of Old Sham.


If the characters rescue Caden d'Orien, his father can
point the characters toward the boy's kidnapper, Garra.
This section details the Daask excavation site in Old
Sham where Caden and several warforged laborers are
being held.

When the characters take the lift down to the Daask
excavation site, read or paraphrase the following boxed
text to the players:

The lift seems to descend forever into the belly of Sharn.
Several minutes pass as and the lift rattles and shakes,
as if passing into some place it was not meant to go. This
rumbling builds to a violent peak then the lift stops, and
its doors open.
By the lift's interior light, you can see into a vast, unlit
cavern strewn with broken stonework from ancient build·
ings as far as you can see in every direction. The air is
stale, and filled with dust and the scent of decay. These
are the ruins of the cities atop which Sharn is built.
Ahead of you yawns a fifty-foot-diameter, ten-foot-deep
pit that seems to have been intentionally dug. You hear
the soft sobs of a young child coming from a wooden
shed on the far side to the pit.

The cavern is irregular in shape and hundreds of feet
in diameter. Its uneven ceiling ranges in height from 15
to 30 feet. Due to the rubble, the ground around the pit
counts as difficult terrain.
Four Daask goblins guard this area and rely on dark­
vision to see. They hide in the pit when the characters
arrive then leap out to attack. A successful Wisdom
(Perception) check contested by the goblins' Dexterity
(Stealth) check notices the goblins. Otherwise the gob­
lins surprise the characters. The goblins fight until one
remains who flees into Old Sham's ruins. If a goblin is
captured, a successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation)
check gets the goblin to reveal that it works for Daask
and that it was told by a half-ogre named Garra to guard
this area. The goblins don't know where Garra is.

The excavation pit that the warforged dug for Daask has
also become the workers' holding area. A warforged
corpse lies at the bottom of the pit, its head struck from
its shoulders. Eleven other warforged in various states
of disrepair sit chained together on the pit floor. Climb­
ing the walls of the pit doesn't require an ability check.

If the party does not intervene, the warforged laborers
simply sit until release by Garra or another member
of Daask. If the party frees them, the warforged scat-
ter to other parts of the Cogs, grateful for the rescue.
They might assist the party in a future adventure if you
so choose.

Caden d'Orien (noncombatant) is kept manacled hand
and foot in a filthy, 15-foot-square shed on the side of
the excavation pit opposite the lift. When the characters
peer inside the shed, read or paraphrase the following
boxed text to the players:

The wooden shed contains a small child covered in dust,
wearing the once-fine, now-rui ned livery of a House
Orien. The boy sobs, shrunken into one corner, his face
slack. Stale bread, smelly water, a pile of rags, and a
chamber pot round out the accommodations.

Caden's manacles, originally designed to bind goblins,
are sturdy but old. A character who makes a successful
DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves' tools picks the man­
acles' lock, and a character who succeeds on a DC 17
Strength (Athletics) check breaks the manacles loose.
A character who succeeds on a DC 11 Intelligence (In­
vestigation) check finds the manacles' lock is smeared
with oil of taggit. Any character that attempts to pick
the lock without gloves is exposed to the poison and
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature is
unconscious. It wakes up if it takes damage.
Roleplaying Caden. Caden is nearly catatonic from
his ordeal. If freed, the six-year-old simply sits and
stares in to the middle distance. Any character trained
in Medicine knows that the boy needs proper food and
water, rest, and his father. Using any sort of healing
magic on the boy rouses him almost immediately. A suc­
cessful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check gets him to
open up about his experience. A character who spends
an hour consoling Caden and giving him something to
eat and drink brings him around, no check required. If
either of these methods succeed, Caden tells the charac­
ters he was kidnapped by a big, mean lady named Garra
and imprisoned here by her goblin friends.

Each goblin carries ld6 gp and ld6 sp in a pouch. One
goblin (determined randomly) also wears a cheap neck­
lace that consists of a banded agate (10 gp) tied to a
loop of rope.

When the characters decide to leave the Daask excava­
tion site and return to the City of Towers, Old Sham's
ruins reveal one final surprise. The ghost of a gnome
inquisitive who died when the old city collapsed during
the War of the Mark rises from the rubble and looks

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