Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
At some point during their exploration of Terminus, the
characters learn that Garra has boarded a lightning
rail getting ready to leave Sharn if they don't know this
already. If the characters ask any bystanders, they learn
the location of the lift (area TIO) that leads to Termi­
nus Station.

The following encounter locations are keyed to map
4.14. This map does not depict the entire district of Ter­
minus, but it shows the most likely places the characters
explore in this adventure.


A large platform at the top of a tower is crowded with a
diverse crew of humanoids. A prominent dock juts out
from the tower, overlooking the crowded bridges and
streets below. An unoccupied skycoach with a dragon­
shaped prow is chained to the south platform.

A crowd of 2d8 commoners and ld4 nobles is gathered
on the platform waiting to hire skycoaches.
The docked skycoach belongs to an off-duty profes­
sional driver named Belga Twillo. The chain anchoring
the skycoach to the dock has AC 19, 10 hit points, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage. A character
who makes a successful DC 17 Dexterity check with
thieves' tools picks the chain's lock. A bystander who
catches a character trying to steal the skycoach shouts
for the Sharn Watch (see "Sharn Watch Personali­
ties," page 258).

This 10-foot-wide outdoor spiral staircase wraps around
a tower containing several taverns and shops that sell
souvenirs and gifts for the city's visitors to bring home
to loved ones. The stair leads from the skycoach plat­
form (area Tl) to the roof of the tenement tower.

This interior staircase connects the tenement tower roof
to areas T4, TS, and T6.

The doors to both apartments on this level are locked.
T4a. Martisha's Apartment. Martisha Kullandra
(neutral female Brelish human magewright; see chapter
6) lives in this modestly furnished studio apartment. If
the characters break into the 80-year-old's apartment,
Martisha flees, fighting for her life if she must. If the
characters knock on her door, Martisha shouts to them
through the door to go away.
A character who succeeds on DC 12 Charisma (Per­
suasion) check convinces Martisha to talk to the charac­
ters. If asked about Garra, Martisha gives the characters
the following information:


  • Martisha has a half-ogre neighbor who lives in the
    other apartment on this floor.

  • The half-ogre never bothered Martisha but does have
    loud guests from time to time, including many mon­
    strous immigrants from Droaam, coming and going at
    all hours.

  • Martisha saw the half-ogre leave the apartment min­
    utes before the characters arrived.
    T4b. Garra's Living Area. When the characters enter
    this area, read or paraphrase the following boxed text to
    the players:

Cabinets hang on the north wall of this large room, which
is hazy with the smell of tobacco. Near the east wall
stands an overstuffed couch. An rectangular table turned
on its side blocks a closed door on the south wall.

Four kenku cutpurses working for Daask hide in two
groups of two: one group behind the couch, the other
behind the table. A character with a passive Wisdom
(Perception) score of 13 or higher is not surprised by the
kenku, which prefer to attack from behind the furniture.
When using the couch and table for protection, a crea­
ture gains half cover. The cabinets are empty.
T4c. Garra's Bedroom. When the characters enter
this area, read the following boxed text to the players:

A frantic gnoll is picking up papers from the floor to
throw into a burning brazier at the center of the room.
Beyond the brazier, Sergeant Vilroy is bound at the hands
and feet with rope, lying bloodied and unconscious on a
large mattress.

Nur, a Daask gnoll, is burning Garra's documents as or­
dered by the half-ogre. Of the documents that remain on
the floor, two are of interest. One is a receipt for a light­
ning rail ticket, indicating the time, date, and journey of
Garra's lightning rail trip to Wroat. The other document
contains a list of the names and addresses of the war­
forged hired to work in the ruins of Old Sharn. You can
add other documents that could act as story hooks for
future adventures.
Sergeant Germaine Vilroy (neutral female Brelish
human veteran) is restrained and unconscious and
currently has 5 hit points remaining. After getting the
information she needed from Germaine, Garra knocked
her out using oil of taggit (see "Caden d'Orien" earlier in
this adventure). A character can remove the ropes bind­
ing the sergeant as an action. If the characters wake up
Germaine, she tells the characters to continue pursuing
Garra and that she can get help for herself.

The lower-level apartments have similar layouts to the
ones in area T4 but house different creatures. The door
to every apartment is locked. If you need occupants for
an apartment, use the Apartment Occupants table to
generate them. There is a 10 percent chance that an
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