Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Any creature with the Mark of Scribing can use an ac­
tion to touch the invisible writing, making it visible to all.
If you use the pen to write on a creature that isn't a
construct, the writing fades after 7 days.

Wondrous item, common
When a suit of shiftweave is created, up to five different
outfits can be embedded into the cloth. While wearing
the clothing, you can speak its command word as a bo­
nus action to transform your outfit into your choice of
one of the other designs contained within it. Regardless
of its appearance, the outfit can't be anything but cloth­
ing. Although it can duplicate the look of other magical
clothing, it doesn't gain their magical properties.

Wondrous item, very rare
The key to long-distance, virtually instantaneous com­
munication across Khorvaire is House Sivis's network
of message stations. Each station contains at least one
speaking stone, which is carved from a Siberys dragon­
shard and inscribed with arcane symbols that uniquely
identify it. If you're a gnome with the Mark of Scribing,
you can touch the stone and use an action to cast the
sending spell from it. The target is any other speaking
stone whose location or unique sequence of symbols
you know. A creature within 5 feet of the stone hears the
message as if they were the target.
In a Sivis message station, a gnome is always on duty
by the speaking stone, listening for messages that might
come in and transcribing them for delivery to their in­
tended recipients.

Wondrous item, common
This polished Eberron dragonshard fits in the hand and
stores information similar to a book. The shard can
hold the equivalent of one book that's no more than 320
pages long. A shard can be created blank or already
filled with information. When the shard is created, the
creator can set a passphrase that must be spoken to ac­
cess the information stored within.
While holding the shard, you can use an action to
open your mind to the shard, seeing its content in your
mind. On subsequent rounds, reading the text or scrib­
ing new text on blank "pages" in the shard requires
concentration (as if concentrating on a spell) and takes
the same amount of time it takes you to read and write
normally. Thinking of a particular phrase or topic draws
you to the first section in the shard that addresses it.
A wizard can use a spellshard as a spellbook, with
the usual cost in gold and time to "scribe" a spell into
the shard.

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These metallic nodules were created in response to the
poisonous gases used on the battlefields of the Last War.
When you attune to these lungs, they replace the lungs
in your chest, which disappear. The lungs allow you to
breathe normally, even in an antimagic field, and their
breathing function can't be suppressed by magic.
Outside an antimagic field or any other effect that
suppresses magic, these lungs allow you to breathe
normally in any environment (including a vacuum), and
you have advantage on saving throws against harm-
ful gases such as those created by a cloudkill spell,
a stinking cloud spell, inhaled poisons, and gaseous
breath weapons.
As an action, you can use these lungs to exhale a gust
of wind, as if you had cast the gust of wind spell (spell
save DC 15) with no components. This property of the
lungs can't be used again until the next dawn.
If your attunement to the lungs ends, your original
lungs reappear.

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a war­
A wand sheath clamps onto your arm and imparts the
following benefits:
The wand sheath can't be removed from you while
you're attuned to it.

  • You can insert a wand into the sheath as an action.
    The sheath can hold only one wand at a time.

  • You can retract or extend a wand from the sheath as a
    bonus action. While the wand is extended, you can use
    it as if you were holding it, but your hand remains free.
    If a sheathed wand requires attunement, you must
    attune to the wand before you can use it. However, the
    wand sheath and the attached wand count as a single
    magic item with regard to the number of magic items
    you can attune to. If you remove the wand from the
    sheath, your attunement to the wand ends.

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