Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
This dread device draws on the power of Mabar, in­
fusing the dead with the malign energy of the Endless
Night. While it is active, any humanoid that dies within
2 miles of the resonator reanimates 1 minute later as a
zombie (see the Monster Manual for its stat block) under
the control of the creature controlling the device.

While this looks like a scrap heap assembled from
shattered constructs, this eldritch machine possesses
great power. A creature in control of it can sense the
presence and location of all warforged within 10 miles
of the device and can, as an action, send a telepathic
message to them laced with enchantment magic. Such a
message can be sent no more than once every 24 hours.
A warforged who receives the message is compelled
to follow one command contained within it, unless the
warforged succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw.
The affected warforged breaks free of the command
after 24 hours.

This device emanates an antimagic field (same effects as
the antimagic field spell) in a radius of 1 to 3 miles. The
field can be activated or deactivated as an action with a
touch by its controller.
The form that the device takes depends on the nature
of its creator. The Ashbound druids despise unnatural
magic, so a spell sink created by them might be a living
artifact, such as a twisted tree that consumes the magi­
cal energy around it. Conversely, a spell sink created by
a mad artificer might be a massive vessel composed of
dragonshards and exotic metals.
A variant device called the spell siphon not only neu­
tralizes magic but also absorbs all magical energy in the
area, storing that power for a cataclysmic effect.

This eldritch machine can only be controlled by crea­
tures that bear the Mark of Storm. Storm spires allow
House Lyrandar to influence the weather, which can be
a boon for the local population or a curse if a Lyrandar
baron chooses to demand payment for ideal weather.


Thanks to dragonshards, common magic items-includ­
ing the ones in Xanathar's Guide to Everything-are
readily available in Khorvaire.


In Eberron, common magic items can be found for sale
in most communities. The DM determines the stock that
is available, or the DM has the shoppers make a group
Intelligence (Investigation) check to find a shop or ped­
dler that has the desired item in stock. The DC for this
check is 10 in a city, 15 in a town, and 20 in a village. If
the check fails, at least 24 hours must pass before look­
ing for the same item in that community.
The DM sets the price of a common magic item or de­
termines it randomly: 2d4 x 10 gp, or half as much for a
consumable item such as a potion or scroll.

Normally, a magic item in Eberron is created using the
crafting rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide or Xana­
thar's Guide to Everything. But if you have a dragon­
shard, you can more easily create a common magic item.
To create such an item with a dragonshard, a charac­
ter must have proficiency in the tools used to create a
nonmagical version of the item or proficiency in the Ar­
cana skill. For example, a potion of healing can be cre­
ated by a character who has proficiency with the herbal­
ism kit. A spellcaster can scribe a spell scroll of a spell
they know if they have proficiency in the Arcana skill,
and they must provide all material components required
for the spell. A cantrip scribed onto a scroll works as if
the caster were 1st level.
The Creating Common Magic Items table states how
much time and money you must spend to craft a com­
mon magic item with a dragonshard, which is expended
in the creation process. The hours of creation can be
spread over multiple days, which needn't be consecutive.

Common Magic Item Time Cost
Spell scroll (cantrip) 8 hours 15 gp
Potion of healing 8 hours 25 gp
Any other common magic item 32 hours* 50 gp''
;,Halved for a consumable item like a potion or scroll

If the DM is using the crafting rules in Xanathar's Guide
to Everything for items that aren't common, the creation
process can involve complications. Assume there's a 10
percent chance of a complication arising for every five
workweeks (25 days) spent on crafting the item. Xana­
thar's Guide to Everything presents a number of possi­
ble complications, or you can use the Eberron Crafting
Complications table.

d6 Complication
House Cannith or another dragon marked house takes
an interest in your work. Do they view you as a threat,
or are they impressed by your techniques?
2 A mishap creates a temporary manifest zone (see
"The Planes of Existence" in chapter 4 for information
on manifest zones).
3 You need to acquire an additional rare component to
complete your work. Time for adventure!
4 The shifting balance of the planes interferes with your
work; you must wait for the current planar alignment
to change. This delays your work by 2d6 days.
5 Your efforts draw the attention of the Au rum, the
Chamber, the Emerald Claw, or the Lords of Dust.
6 Your item becomes sentient (see chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide for rules on sentient items).

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