Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
-Baron Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis

Mark of Scribing 47 Guide to the City

the written and spoken word. A gnome who bears the
mark can fee/ words as though they are living creatures,
struggling to make their meaning known. The mark
provides a range of gifts. It translates languages, but it
also allows its bearer to communicate with others at
a distance.

HousE Srvrs
Leader: Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis
Headquarters: The Labyrinth (Korranberg, Zilargo)
Bearing the emblem of the cockatrice, the gnomes of
House Sivis facilitate communication. This is seen most
literally in speaking stones, magic items allowing a Sivis
heir to send a short message to another speaking stone.
House Sivis's message stations employs these items
as the backbone of their long-distance communication
network. The house also trains and licenses scribes, no­
taries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers, heralds,
bookbinders, and others who work with words. House
Sivis has an especially close relationship with House
Kundarak, as Kundarak letters of credit must be nota­
rized with a Sivis arcane mark.
House Sivis takes great pains to maintain the trust
of its clients and holds a position of absolute neutrality
in all disputes, whether between houses or nations.
Sivis gnomes are typically friendly, curious, and engag­
ing, but that kindly exterior might conceal a scheming
mind. Gnomes have a natural love of intrigue, and the
different families within the house often engage in sub­
tle schemes and feuds. Doyenne Lyssa Larriman, the
leader of the house, takes pains to ensure that these
intrigues never threaten the house or its reputation.

If you're a gnome with the Mark of Scribing, you have
this subrace, with the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in­
creases by 1.
Gifted Scribe. When you make an Intelligence (His­
tory) check or an ability check using calligrapher's sup­
plies, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
ability check.

Scribe's Insight. You know the message cantrip. You
can also cast comprehend languages once with this
trait, and you regain the ability to cast it when you finish
a short or long rest. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast
the magic mouth spell with this trait, and you regain the
ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Intelligence
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Spells of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
the Pact Magic class fe ature, the spells on the Mark of
Scribing Spells table are added to the spell list of your
spellcasting class.

Spell Level Spells
1st comprehend languages, illusory script
2nd animal messenger, silence
3rd sending, tongues
4th arcane eye, confusion
5th dream

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