Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Zealot. Dedicated to smiting the foes of the faith, the
Zealot focuses on combat above all. Clerics, druids,
and paladins make iconic Zealots, but any character
can play this role; there are barbarians whose fury is
fueled by their devotion, and rangers sworn to track
down the enemies of the fa ith. The soldier and folk
hero backgrounds are well suited to such champions
of the faith.

What is the nature of your work for the religious order?
As a group, consult the Religious Service table and work
with your DM to decide what role you play-which likely
shapes the kind of adventures you undertake.

d6 Service
Smite Evil. You battle evil in your order's name.
2 Fight for Freedom. You protect the downtrodden from
the forces of oppression.
3 Retrieval. Yo ur group seeks sacred relics and holy arti­
facts on behalfof yo ur church.
4 Root Out Corruption. You are charged with finding cor­
ruption within the hierarchy of your own fa ith.
S Exhortation. You work with the faithful at a grassroots
level to get them to uphold their high ideals.
6 Dirty Work. As the radical zealots of your order, you sin
so the other members of the order don't have to.

Some religious orders are viewed with suspicion by the
priestly hierarchies of their fa iths; others are viewed
as champions who act as the gods' hands in the world.
Within a religious order, some members are highly
respected while others are seen as dangerous for one
reason or another. What is your relationship to the hier­
archy you're a part of? Is your entire order held in par­
ticularly high or low esteem? Or does your adventuring
party stand out from the larger order for some reason?
Is your behavior in line with the expectations of your
religion, or is it unorthodox in some way? Reference the
Order Reputation table to determine how you're viewed
by your larger religious institution.


d6 Reputation
Faithful Few. You are seen as righteous crusaders, up­
holding the highest ideals of your faith and doing the
gods' work in the world. Your deeds and methods are
rarely, if ever, questioned.
2 Respectable. Your behavior and beliefs are in line with
the hierarchy's expectations. As long as you stay in
line, no one gives you trouble.
3 Troublemakers. You attract unwanted attention to your
order or hierarchy from outside, so you are under a
great deal of pressure to keep a low profile.
4 Rebels. You flout the dictates of your hierarchy-even
if it's for just reasons. Your superiors constantly try to
rein you in.

d6 Reputation
5 Reformers. You bring a much-needed breath of fresh
air into the ranks of your fa ith. If only more people of
faith would act as you do!
6 Anathema. For right or wrong, your behavior and be­
liefs are viewed as unacceptable, and the hierarchy of
your faith actively opposes your work.

Your primary contact within the religious order is usu­
ally some kind of priest-not necessarily a cleric or
druid, but someone who holds a priestly office and a po­
sition of some authority in the hierarchy of the organiza­
tion. This person might direct you and your adventures
according to their interpretation of divine will, or they
might trust the gods to lead you to do what needs to be
done. Of course, some priests (as well as lay functionar­
ies) are more interested in their own agendas than any
supposed divine will. Consult the Order Contact table to
determine your liaison within the religious order.

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