The Scientist - USA (2020-11)

(Antfer) #1


helsea Wood once imagined she’d
study dolphins, so it was a surprise, she
says, to realize “there were much more
charismatic things living inside the dolphins.”
As an undergraduate at Dartmouth University,
Wood worked alongside James Byers, an ecolo-
gist then at the University of New Hampshire,
who encouraged her to study parasites.
“I went to his lab like a little mercenary trying
to get marine biology experience, having little
to no interest in the parasites,” Wood says.
But along the way, she recognized how beauti-
ful the freeloading organisms could be. For her
undergraduate thesis, Wood studied how infec-
tion with a parasitic flatworm (Cryptocotyle
lingua) changed the grazing habits of the
marine snail Littorina littorea, and how those
effects rippled through the local ecosystem.
After earning her bachelor’s degree in
2006, Wood spent two years as an editor of
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, where
she realized that she most enjoyed reading
papers about parasitology. She decided to pur-
sue the topic for her graduate research.
Wood began her PhD at Stanford University’s
Hopkins Marine Station in 2008, focusing on
how fishing affects fish parasites. Studying
communities off the coast of Chile and around
the Line Islands, south of Hawaii, she showed
that parasite assemblages largely track their
hosts in abundance and diversity—in heavily
fished areas, many parasites are, like their fish
hosts, less abundant and diverse (J Anim Ecol,
82:1276–87, 2013; Ecology, 96:1383–98, 2015).
However, certain parasites fared better than
others. Species that spread through direct
contact were more abundant than ones with
complex, multi-host life cycles.
As Wood was completing her dissertation,
her undergraduate work on L. littorea caught the
attention of Pieter Johnson, a disease ecologist at
the University of Colorado Boulder who studies
how parasites structure aquatic communities.
It was rare to see work that looked holistically
at multiple organisms, as Wood’s did, Johnson
says. After meeting Wood at a conference, “I

essentially headhunted her,” he tells The Scientist,
encouraging Wood to join his lab for a postdoc.
When she showed up in Boulder in 2013 and
began working in new ecosystems, Johnson
says, Wood “was just fearless,” attacking her
research “like a dynamo.” Together, the two
studied how aquatic bird diversity affects para-
site diversity. Wood and Johnson added perches,
nesting material, and bird decoys to attract a
greater variety of bird species to some ponds
while leaving others as controls; two years later,
they looked at the parasites in each pond. As
she’d observed in fish, more-diverse bird popula-
tions correlated with more-diverse parasites, but
again, the effects were different across species
(Biol Conserv, 248:108683, 2020).
After wrapping up her postdoc in 2014,
Wood completed a fellowship at the University
of Michigan, where she studied a group of flat-
worms called schistosomes that infect humans
through a snail host and cause a disease called
schistosomiasis. Wood used drones to search
for areas where the snails’ preferred habitat—
submerged water plants—bordered on human
settlements in Senegal, helping to identify com-
munities at the greatest risk of schistosomiasis
outbreaks (PNAS, 116:23182–91, 2019).
In 2016, Wood accepted a faculty
position at the University of Washington,
where she now runs her own parasite
ecology lab. Several of her current initia-
tives involve historical ecology: delving
into museum specimens and historical
records to track parasites over time.
Wood’s first publication using museum
data followed a species of nematode
worm (Clavinema mariae) infecting
English sole (Parophrys vetulus) in
the Puget Sound between 1930
and 2016 (J Appl Ecol, 56:190–200,
2019). During that time, she found,
the number of nematodes per fish
increased eightfold. Her ongoing work
will reconstruct a broader assemblage
of parasites that have infected 10
economically important fish species,

including herring, hake, and rockfish, over
the last century.
“There is an amazing treasure trove of infor-
mation hidden away in our natural [history]
museums,” Katrina Lohan, a parasite ecologist
with the Smithsonian’s Environmental Research
Center, tells The Scientist. Without historical
data, researchers can only estimate how dis-
ease outbreaks might change in the future, says
Lohan, who praises Wood’s creative method of
using museum specimens to answer pressing
questions. “I’m really excited to see what [she
and her team] come up with,” Lohan says.
One of Wood’s current priorities is convincing
societies around the globe to prevent parasite
extinction (Biol Conserv, doi:10.1016/j.biocon.
2020.108596, 2020). It’s not an easy sell, she
concedes; most people’s interactions with para-
sites are unpleasant. To others, parasites are “not
beautiful, they’re not cute, they’re not charismatic,
but they... are vitally ecologically important,”
Wood says. “If we want functioning ecosystems,
we have to decide to conserve parasites.”g


Chelsea Wood: Parasite Hunter



Assistant Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington


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