
(sharon) #1

hero you can execute
them, release them
or convince them to
join you.




Equip heroes with
different gear and
mounts to make them
more powerful.
Assign followers
to improve your
warlords’ performance.
Level them up and
use skill points
unlock new abilities on
their skill tree.
Give them titles
and assignments
to keep them happy,
and loyal.
are complimentary, others work
against each other. The designers
use champions and strategists as an
example. Red, fiery champions are
destructive on the battlefield, but they
are doused by the draining abilities
of a blue water strategist. The effect
is subtle — these heroes of Chinese
legend aren’t Pokémon, after all — but
CA is using the framework to make
the game instinctively readable, and
to bring nuance to Three Kingdoms’
It’s worth mentioning how beautiful
Three Kingdoms is. This is the best
looking Total War to date. The tech
tree is a tree painted on canvas. When
you unlock a node — a taxation bonus,
or a military mustering boost — that
section of the tree bursts into pink
blossom. The UI has been reworked
to be more elegant, with splashes of
blank ink that evoke the brushstrokes
of Chinese calligraphy. The map fades
into a watercolor painting as you
zoom out.
The warlords’ character portraits
even reflect their elemental
alignments. Lead character artist
Mauro Bonelli talks about how colors
and motifs in a character’s clothing
express their character. Cao Cao is
shown in ambiguous colors that could
reflect stone, wood, or metal — fitting
for a masterful manipulator — but
with flashes of red that imply
military prowess.
And what about Dong Zhou?
Historically, he was killed by his foster
son Lü Bu, but what if he managed to
keep his retinue in check? He may well
have extended his reach and brought
all of China under his tyrannical rule.
That’s the promise of Total War; it’s a
chance to take the events of history in
a different direction entirely. Close the
magazine and take a look at the image
of Dong Zhou on our front cover. This
man who would raze a town or execute
an official without a second thought.
If he came into your home, demanded
fealty and slammed his sword down on
the table, would you say no?

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