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WHEN: May 24–26, 2019
WHERE: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis;
Minneapolis, MN
DETAILS: This con provides a safe and fun
place to make friends with people who share
similar interests. Anime fans will get together
for “an epic three-day celebration of anime,
video games, and music in Minneapolis.”
You can cosplay (optional); attend dances,
concerts, and contests; play video games;
and shop for anime merchandise. Autograph
sessions and entertaining panels will also
be featured.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.animinneapolis.com


WHEN: May 16–19, 2019
WHERE: St. Charles Convention
Center; St. Charles, MO
DETAILS: Geekway boasts “Four Days of
Peace, Love, and Board Games!” Attendees
can visit the game library and participate in
open gaming the whole time, or they may
sample the scheduled and informal events.
Special Geekway events include a Game De-
sign Contest and Play and Win, which gives
players a chance to win a copy of a game
they enjoyed at the con.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.geekwaytothewest.com


WHEN: May 23–26, 2019
WHERE: Georgia World Congress
Center; Atlanta, GA
DETAILS: This rapidly growing con brings
together fans of Japanese anime, American
animation, comics, and tabletop and video
gaming to celebrate their passion over four
days. Costumes and cosplay are encour-
aged. Attendees can browse the huge exhibi-
tors’ hall and meet the talented people behind
their favorite shows, comics, and games.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.momocon.com

WHEN: May 24–27, 2019
WHERE: Hyatt Regency DFW Airport; Dallas, TX
DETAILS: Come and enjoy the vast game
library at BGG.CON, the annual spring gather-
ing sponsored by BoardGameGeek. Attend-
ees can borrow games and try them out in
the open gaming area. There are also special
rooms where new games will be taught, as
well as events such as tournaments and
puzzle hunts. Bring the whole family—this
event offers kids’ activity areas for all ages!
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.boardgamegeek.com

WHEN: May 11, 2019
WHERE: O. Henry Museum; Austin, TX
DETAILS: Details: This annual spoken word
competition takes place every May. Pun-
sters compete in one or both of two areas:
Punniest of Show, in which participants de-
prepared piece; and PunSlingers, in which
contestants go head-to-head in bouts of
spontaneous punning on a randomly chosen
theme. A panel of judges decides the winners.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.punoff.com

WHEN: May 25–27, 2019
WHERE: Honors Bridge Club; New York, NY
DETAILS: This NASPA-rated Scrabble tour-
nament takes place over Memorial Day
Weekend; both TWL and Collins are offered.
The 16-game main event will take place
on Saturday and Sunday; with an optional
7-game event on Monday. There will be cash
other cash awards. The entry fee includes
breakfast and a lunch buffet.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.cross-tables.com

WHEN: May 18
& 19, 2019
WHERE: Holiday Inn
St. Petersburg North/
Clearwater: Clearwater, FL
DETAILS: The Florida nonprofit Gamers on
the Edge and presents this “great tournament
and great cause.” The event brings together
some of the top players in the southeast U.S.
to compete against each other and raise funds

for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.
Spectators are welcome. Gamers on the Edge
has donated more than $60,000 to children’s
hospitals and maintains game rooms and
consoles at All Children’s Hospital.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.smash.gg/4TheKids

WHEN: May 23–27, 2019
WHERE: Hyatt Regency/Crowne
Plaza SFO; Burlingame, CA
DETAILS: This “Khan of Cons” enters its 19th
year, with an emphasis on bringing attendees
together via “hobby games” such as tabletop
games, RPGs, CCGs, and more. Special
programs for teens and youngsters will be of-
podcasts, sessions on painting miniatures,
and a “War College” for wargamers.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.kublacon.com

WHEN: May 16–19, 2019

WHERE: Stevensville, MI
DETAILS: Enjoy beautiful west Michigan dur-
ing your extended stay for these tournaments.
In addition to competing in two full tourna-
ments (two main events and two consolation
events, plus satellite events), participants can
relax in the evenings watching the gorgeous
sunsets over Lake Michigan, just a few min-
utes from the playing site. You will quickly see
why west Michigan and the Lake Michigan
shoreline are such popular visitor attractions
throughout the year!
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.cribbage.org/sched

WHEN: May 19, 2019
WHERE: J’s Crab Shack; Hartford, CT
DETAILS: Play in one of the oldest tourna-
ments in the American Cribbage Congress!
The main event is 12 games, followed by a
nine-game consolation event. The one-day
format makes it great for players new to
tournament play. Note: Pre-registration no
later than May 13 is required. Contact the
tournament director for details.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.cribbage.org/sched

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