
(sharon) #1

54 GAMES WORLD^ OF PUZZLES^ | may 2019

This puzzle’s crisscross grid contains words that read across and down as normal; these words are defined in alphabetical
order by length under the heading “Crisscross Words.” These answers will fit into the grid across and down so that they
intersect in standard crossword style. The grid also contains a number of outlined areas that follow a single clear path.
Each of these outlined areas contains a word or phrase that snakes from one end of the path to the other in order. These
words and phrases are defined under the heading “Snake Words” and are also clued in alphabetical order by length.
To solve this puzzle, work between the answers to the Crisscross Words clues and the Snake Words clues to find the
location of clue answers you’ve already identified and to help identify the answers to clues that are still unsolved. If you
need help, the clue answers are given on page 78. ANSWER, PAGE 77


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