6th Grade Math Textbook, Fundamentals

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


In each chapter the Enrichment topic is appropriate to the material you
have been taught, and will enrich you in one of three ways: It will accelerate
instruction to expose you to concepts that await you in the not-too-distant
future; expanda topic presented; or extenda topic taught and apply it to a
closely related theme. The common thread is that the topics can be briefly,
yet reasonably, and completely presented to you in a friendly fashion.
Some topics present mathematics in a historical context, which adds a great
deal of interest and insight to the topic, while others may be more of a
challenge that is intended to be motivating. In all cases, we hope you will
find these Enrichment topics enjoyable and, as a result, see mathematics as a
subject that can be fun, as well as extremely practical and useful.
These Enrichment topics go a long way to ensuring that you will be able
to see the beauty of mathematics. It is your teacher’s goal to have you
appreciate mathematics. We feel these Enrichment topics will help you
reach that goal.

In this textbook, we provide some real topics
of enrichment. You may wonder what we mean
by this, since we are sure you have been told many
times that you are being “enriched.” Well, we are
going to present topics that are not part of the regular
curriculum, but are within the scope of your course of
study. Some of these topics may be encountered in later
years, but others may be missed if we do not include them now.
In all cases, we hope you enjoy them. To really do that, however,
you must read them with an extra degree of enthusiasm!

Accelerate Expand Extend
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