7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
82 Integers

When locating an ordered pair, moving right or up on a coordinate
plane is in the positive direction. Moving left or down is in the
negative direction.

Naming Points Using Ordered Pairs

Write the ordered pair that corresponds to point D. Then state
the quadrant or axis on which the point is located.

  • Start at the origin. y

123 x









  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 10

  • Move left on the x-axis to find
    the x-coordinate of point D,
    which is -4.

  • Move up to find the y-coordinate,
    which is 2.
    So, point D corresponds to the ordered
    pair (-4, 2). Point D is located in
    Quadrant II.

Write the ordered pair that corresponds to each point. Then state
the quadrant or axis on which the point is located.
a. A b. B c. C

Graph an Ordered Pair

Graph and label point K at (2, -5) on a coordinate plane.



0 x

Start at the origin. The
x-coordinate is 2. So,
move 2 units to the right.

Next, since the y-coordinate is

  • 5, move 5 units down. Draw
    a dot and label K.

Graph and label each point on a coordinate plane.
d. L(-4, 2) e. M(-5, -3) f. N(0, 1)

Scale When no numbers
are shown on the x- or
y-axis, you can assume
that each square is 1 unit
long on each side.

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