7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Test PracticeT

290 Proportions and Similarity

  1. CARPENTRY A carpenter sawed a piece of wood into 3 pieces. The ratio of
    wood pieces is 1 : 3 : 6. The longest piece is 2.5 feet longer than the shortest
    piece. Use the draw a diagram strategy to find the length of the original
    piece. (Lesson 2A)

  2. BAKING Write and solve a proportion to find the number of cups
    of cookie mix needed to make 72 cookies. (Lesson 1D)

Solve each proportion. (Lesson 1D)

  1. 75 = 35 a 34. ^12 p = 4536 35. ^39 = ^21

  2. 15 n = ^1734 37. _- 107 = 3.5j 38. 1812 = _-x^40
    27. A landscape designer created the scale
    drawing below showing the bench that
    will be in the garden area.

2 in.

Which of these was the scale used for
the drawing if the actual width of the
bench is 6 feet?
A. _^14 inch = 1 foot
B. 3 inches = 1 foot
C. _^23 inch = 1 foot
D. 1 inch = 3 feet

  1. GRIDDED RESPONSE Ernesto drew
    a map of his school. He used a scale of
    1 inch : 50 feet. What distance in inches
    on Ernesto’s map should represent the
    625 feet between the cafeteria and the
    science lab?
    29. How many miles are represented by
    4 inches on this map?


01 Miles 30 60 90
4 in. =30 mi

F. 480 miles H. 30 miles
G. 120 miles I. 16 miles

  1. A scale drawing of a doctor’s office is

2 in. 2 in.

3 in. Key 1 in. = 20 ft

What are the actual dimensions of the
doctor’s office?
A. 24 feet × 48 feet
B. 30 feet × 52 feet
C. 40 feet × 60 feet
D. 37.5 feet × 65 feet

makes3 cups
48 cookies

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