Lesson 3A Similarity and Proportional Reasoning 297
Example 3 The triangles are similar. Write a proportion and solve the problem.
- BASKETBALL What is the height 10. TREES How tall is the tree?
of the basketball hoop?
4.5 ft
Y ft
3 ft
18 ft
4 ft
Y ft
3 ft
0.5 ft
B 1111 GRAPHIC NOVEL Refer to the graphic novel frame below for Exercises
a and b.
Our map has
shown to be
very handy.
Review the
map at the
start of the
chapter one
more time.
Our m
very ha
map at
more t
a. If the red line represents the path they took, how far have Raul, Caitlyn,
and Jamar traveled since they left the lake?
b. What will be their total distance by the time they return to the cabin?
- FURNITURE A child’s desk is made so that it is a replica of a full-size adult
desk. Suppose the top of the full-size desk measures 54 inches long by
36 inches wide. If the top of the child’s desk is 24 inches wide and is
similar to the full-size desk, what is the length?
C 13. CHALLENGE Determine whether each statement is true or false. Explain.
a. Any two squares are similar. b. Any two rectangles are similar.
- E WRITE MATH Write a real-world problem that could be solved using
proportions and the concept of similarity. Solve the problem.
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