7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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Similarity and Proportional Reasoning


Lesson 3

GLE 0706.4.3
Understand and use scale
factor to describe the
relationships between
length, area, and volume.
SPI 0706.4.3 Apply scale
factor to solve problems
involving area and volume.
Also addresses GLE 0706.2.3,
GLE 0706.4.1, SPI 0706.4.1.

Perimeter and Area

of Similar Figures

Suppose you double each dimension

5 in.

of the rectangle at the right. The new rectangle 4 in.
is similar to the original rectangle with a scale
factor of 2.

  1. What is the perimeter of the original rectangle?

  2. What is the perimeter of the new rectangle?

  3. How is the perimeter of the new rectangle related to the perimeter
    of the original rectangle and the scale factor?

In similar figures, the perimeters are related by the scale factor. What
about area? Consider the rectangles from the Explore activity.

Original Rectangle New Rectangle
A = w A = w
A = 4 · 5 A = ( 2 · 4)( 2 · 5)
= ( 2 · 2 )(4 · 5)
= 22 (4 · 5)

The area of the new rectangle is equal to the area of the original
rectangle times the square of the scale factor.

Main Idea
Find the relationship
between perimeters
and areas of similar

The scale factor, 2, is
used as a factor twice.

Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures




Words If figure B is similar to figure A by a scale
factor, then the perimeter of B is equal to
the perimeter of A times the scale factor.

Symbols perimeter of figure B = perimeter of figure A · scale factor



Words If figure B is similar to figure A by a scale
factor, then the area of B is equal to the
area of A times the square of the scale

Symbols figure area of B = figure area of A · (scale factor)^2

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