7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
= Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R1.
Extra Practice begins on page EP2.
Examples 1–3 Evaluate each expression. Justify each step.

  1. (1 + 8) × 3 11. 10 - (3 + 4) 12. (25 ÷ 5) + 8
    1313 (11 - 2) ÷ 9 14. 3 · 2 + 14 ÷ 7 15. 4 ÷ 2 - 1 + 7

  2. 12 + 6 ÷ 3 - 4 17. 18 - 3 · 6 + 5 18. 6 × 10 2

  3. 3 × 10 4 20. 5 × 4 3 + 2 21. 8 × 7 2 - 6

  4. 8 ÷ 2 × 6 + 6 2 23. 9 2 - 14 ÷ 7 · 3

  5. (17 + 3) ÷ (4 + 1) 25. (6 + 5) · (8 - 6)

  6. 6 + 2(4 - 1) + 4 × 9 27. 3(4 + 7) - 5 · 4 ÷ 2

Example 4 Write an expression for each situation. Then evaluate it.

  1. MP3 PLAYERS The table shows what Reina Reina’s Purchases

Item Quantity CostUnit

MP3 player 1 $200
pack of
batteries 3$4
songs 6 $2

bought at an electronics store. What is the
total cost of her purchases?

  1. BOOKS Used paperback books are $0.25,
    and hardback books are $0.50. If you buy
    3 paperback books and 5 hardback books,
    how much money do you spend?

Evaluate each expression. Justify each step.

  1. (2 + 10)^2 ÷ 4 31. ( 3^3 + 8) - (10 - 6)^2

  2. 3 · 4(5.2 + 3.8) + 2.7 33. 7 × 9 - (4 - 3.2) + 1.8

  3. MONEY Suppose you order 2 pizzas, 2 garlic Item Cost
    14” pizza $8
    garlic bread $2
    BBQ wings $4

breads, and 1 order of BBQ wings. Write an
expression to find the amount of change you
would receive from $30. Then evaluate the

3535 GRAPHIC NOVEL Refer to the graphic novel frame below. Write and
evaluate an expression to find the cost of 275 text messages.


Lesson 1B Expressions 31

Caitlyn is helping
Dario figure out
what his text
messaging bill will
be this month.

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