7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 1D Expressions 39

Real-World Link
American Lance
Armstrong won the
Tour de France seven
times in a row from
1999 through 2005.


TOUR DE FRANCE The Tour de France is a cycling race through
France that lasts 22 days. If a cyclist averages 90 miles per day,
about how far does he travel?
Use the Distributive Property to multiply 90 × 22 mentally.
90 (22) = 90 (20 + 2) Rewrite 22 as 20 + 2.
= 90 (20) + 90 (2) Distributive Property
= 1,800 + 180 Multiply.
= 1,980 Add.
The cyclist travels about 1,980 miles.

c. MONEY Jennifer saved $120 each month for five months. How
much did she save in all? Explain your reasoning.

Properties are statements that are true for all numbers.

Real Number Properties


The order in which two numbers are added or
multiplied does not change their sum or product.
a + b = b + a a · b = b · a


The way in which three numbers are grouped when
they are added or multiplied does not change their
sum or product.
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c a · (b · c) = (a · b) · c


The sum of an addend and 0 is the addend. The
product of a factor and 1 is the factor.
a + 0 = a a · 1 = a

Use Properties to Evaluate Expressions

Evaluate 4 · 12 · 25 mentally. Justify each step.
4 · 12 · 25 = 4 · 25 · 12 Commutative Property of Multiplication
= (4 · 25) · 12 Associative Property of Multiplication
= 100 · 12 or 1,200 Multiply 100 and 12 mentally.

Evaluate each expression. Justify each step.
d. 40 · (7 · 5) e. (89 + 15) + 1

Mental Math Mental Math Look for
sums or products that end
in zero. They are easy to
compute mentally.

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