7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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Lesson 2

SPI 0706.1.2
Generalize a variety of
patterns to a symbolic rule
from tables, graphs, or
words. Also addresses
GLE 0706.1.3, GLE 0706.1.5.

50 Expressions and Patterns


Use toothpicks to build the figures below.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Make a table like the one Figure


Number of
shown and record the figure Toothpicks
number and number of
toothpicks used in each

Construct the next figure in
this pattern. Record your results.

Repeat Step 3 until you have found the next four
figures in the pattern.

the Results

  1. How many additional toothpicks were used each time to form the
    next figure in the pattern? Where is this pattern found in the table?

  2. Based on your answer to Exercise 1, how many toothpicks would
    be in Figure 0 of this pattern?

  3. Remove one toothpick from your pattern so that

Figure 1

Figure 1 is made up of just three toothpicks as shown.
Then create a table showing the number of toothpicks
that would be in the first 7 figures by using the same
pattern as above.

  1. How many toothpicks would there be in Figure n of this new

  2. How could you adapt the expression you wrote in Exercise 4 to
    find the number of toothpicks in Figure n of the original pattern?

  3. MAKE A PREDICTION How many toothpicks would there be in
    Figure 10 of the original pattern? Explain. Then check your
    answer by constructing the figure.

Main Idea
Explore patterns in
sequences of
geometric figures.

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