7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Problem Solving in Animal Conservation Problem Solving in Animal Conservation 6363

The fork length of a shark is the length from the tip of the snout to
the fork of the tail. Use the information on the note cards to solve
each problem.

  1. Write an expression to represent the total length of a hammerhead shark that
    has a fork length of f feet.

  2. Use the expression from Exercise 1 to find the total length of a hammerhead
    shark that has a fork length of 11.6 feet.

  3. Write an expression to represent the average fork length of a tiger shark, given
    the average fork length s of a sandbar shark.

  4. Use the expression from Exercise 3 to find the average fork length of a tiger
    shark if the average fork length of a sandbar shark is 129 centimeters.

  5. About how much would a white shark with a fork length of 13.8 feet weigh?

  6. The largest white shark in a recent study had a fork length of 16.2 feet. How
    much more did this shark weigh than the shark described in Exercise 5?

Tiger Shark
A study found that the average
fork length of a tiger shark is
55 centimeters less than twice
the average fork length of a
sandbar shark.

Hammerhead Shark
The total length of a
hammerhead shark is
about 1.3 times the fork length.

White Shark
The weight in pounds of a
white shark can be estimated
using the expression
18 x^2 - 134 x + 304,
where x is the fork length
in feet.

GLE 0706.1.7

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