7th Grade Science Student ebook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


5.2 Section Review

  1. Name the correct organelle for each function in the table below.

  2. The plant cell wall is made of:

a. glucose
b. protein
c. cellulose
d. lipids

  1. A Venn diagram shows how two or more things are similar
    and different. Place the organelles into the Venn diagram in
    Figure 5.11. What do your results tell you about the differences
    between plant and animal cells?

  2. What is the function of the cell wall? Why do plant cells need a
    cell wall?

Organelle Function
P r o d u c e s m u c h o f t h e e n e r g y a c e l l
needs to carry out its functions
Makes proteins.
Controls all activities of the cell and
contains the hereditary material
P a c k a g e s p r o t e i n s a n d d i s t r i b u t e s
them to other parts of the cell
Lets materials pass into or out of the cell
Stores water, food, and wastes
Transports proteins inside of the cell

Figure 5.11: Complete the Venn
diagram for question 3.

What effect on the function of a
cell would occur if one of the
following organelles was missing?
Write a sentence for each

  1. ribosome

  2. lysosome

  3. vacuole

  4. mitochondria

  5. chloroplast

  6. cell membrane

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