7th Grade Science Student ebook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.3 Types of Living Things.


Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia

Kingdom Plantae The Kingdom Plantae is made up of multicellular organisms that
have eukaryotic cells. In a process called photosynthesis, plants
harness energy from the sun and store it in the form of molecules.
When animals eat the plants, they use these molecules as energy to
survive. Examples of plants include mosses, ferns, trees, and
flowering plants. Figure 2.14 shows the characteristics of a typical
plant. Plants are discussed in Chapter 14.


Like plants, animals are multicellular organisms that have
eukaryotic cells. Unlike plants, all animals need to eat other
organisms to get their energy. Beetles, worms, snakes, and birds
are animals. You are also an animal. Figure 2.15 shows the
characteristics of a typical animal. Animals are discussed in
Chapter 15.

Figure 2.14: The characteristics of a
typical plant.

Figure 2.15: The characteristics of a
typical animal.
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