7th Grade Science Student ebook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Chapter 4: Chemistry and Physics Connections

Atoms, compounds, and molecules

Atoms A single atom is the smallest particle of an element that keeps the
chemical identity of the element. Each element has a unique type
of atom. Carbon atoms are different from hydrogen atoms, and
hydrogen atoms are different from oxygen atoms. All atoms of a
given element are similar to each other. If you examined a million
atoms of carbon you would find them all to be similar.

Compounds Sometimes elements are found in their pure form, but more often
they are combined with other elements. Most substances contain
several elements combined together. A compound is a substance
that contains two or more different elements that are chemically
joined. For example, water is a compound that is made from the
elements hydrogen and oxygen.

Molecules If you could magnify a sample of pure water so you could see its
atoms, you would notice that the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are
joined together in groups of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen
atom. These groups are called molecules. A molecule is a group of
two or more atoms joined together chemically. Many substances
you encounter are a mixture of different elements and compounds.
Air is an example of a mixture that contains nitrogen, oxygen,
water vapor, carbon dioxide, argon, and other gases. The elements
and compounds in a mixture are not chemically joined together.

Figure 4.3: Compounds.

atom - the smallest particle of an
element that keeps the chemical
identity of that element.
compound - a substance that
contains two or more different
elements that are chemically
molecule - a group of two or
more atoms joined together
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