Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Below is a three-dimensional diagram of the cell. Provide the name and function of
    the following numbered structures:

The following difficult to distinguish structures have been done for you:

  • 4-vesicle: spherical sacs that facilitate storage, metabolism and transport of

  • 7-cell membrane:selectively permeable to control the passage of substances into
    and out of the cell.

  • 10-vacuole:storage of sugars, minerals and pigments and help maintain water
    balance in the cell.

  • 12-lysosome:contain powerful digestive enzymes that digest damaged cell struc-
    tures and food molecules.

  1. Multiple answers are provided for each question. Writeonly the letterof the correct
    answer next to the corresponding number.
    a) Active transport is the movement of a substance from a:
    i. high concentration to a low concentration.
    ii. high water potential to a low water potential.
    iii. isotonic solution.
    iv. low concentration to a high concentration.
    b) Protoplasm consists of:
    i. nucleoplasm and nucleolus.
    ii. cytoplasm and nucleoplasm.
    iii. cytoplasm and organelles.

Chapter 3. The basic units of life 93
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