Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Science journals such as ”New Scientist”, ”Scientific American” and any other journals
    you can find.

  2. Use the Internet widely including the websites below:

    • Howard Hughes Medical Institute: contains links for educators and learners on
      a variety of approaches to determining causes and potential cures for cancer:

    • Whitehead Institute for cancer research. This is one of the world’s leading cancer
      research labs where you can find interactive videos, links to other resources and
      information about a variety of cancers:http://wi.mit.edu/


Using the resources available, you are required to research ONE of the cancers affecting
humans. In particular you are required to:

  • Write a report under the following main headings:

    • Discuss the major causes of the cancer: discuss cancer with respect to its genetic
      and/or environmental causes and how the cancer spreads within a particular in-

    • Describe the common beliefs and attitudes concerning the particular cancer
      you have chosen to research: present the popular (common) attitudes people
      have about cancer, its treatment and how cancer is caused in the first place.

    • Describe the major forms of treatment available: what are the major treatments
      available. Provide an analysis of these under the sub-headings ”Modern biotech-
      nological methods” and ”Traditional methods”.

    • Describe the prevalence of the cancer type: prevalence refers to how common
      a cancer is in a particular location. Provide statistics in the form of histograms
      and pie charts of how prevalent the cancer is in different age groups, races and

  • At the end of your report, provide a complete list of references of websites, articles and
    other sources of information used in compiling the report.

  • Include any pictures, diagrams and information that you think may be relevant to your

4.5 Summary DUMMY

Mitosis and the cell cycle

  • During interphase the DNA replicates.

  • The process of mitosis occurs in four stages: prophase, metaphase; anaphase and

  • Cytokinesis differs in plant and animal cells. In animal cells the cytoplasm invaginates
    and divides the cell in two, and in a plant cell the cell is divided in two by the cell
    plate which forms the cell wall.

  • Mitosis ensures growth of tissues and organisms.

  • Damaged and worn out tissues are repaired and replaced by new cells through mitosis.

Chapter 4. Cell division 111
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