Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


There are over
200 000 types of
plant species in the
world. Green plants
provide the Earth’s
oxygen, and also
directly or indirectly
provide food for all
animals because of
their ability to
Plants also provide
the source of most
of our drugs and
medicines. The
scientific study of
plants is known as

WATCH: learn more
about plant tissues:
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Figure 5.1: The diagram above depicts how several cells adapted for the same function work in
conjunction to form tissues, and together form an organ.

In this chapter we will be studying plant and animal tissues, starting with plant tissues.

5.3 Plant tissues

Plants are typically made up of roots, stems and leaves. Plant tissues can be broadly cat-
egorised into dividing,meristematictissue or non-dividing,permanenttissue. Permanent
tissue is made up ofsimpleandcomplextissues.

Figure 5.2 provides an overview of the types of plant tissues being studied in this chapter.

Figure 5.2: The diagram above depicts how several cells adapted for the same function work in
conjunction to form tissues.

Chapter 5. Plant and animal tissues 117
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