Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Structure Function
Long cells Form effective conducting tubes for
water and minerals
Dead cells: no cytoplasm No obstruction to water transport
Thick, lignified walls Support the plant and are strong enough
to resist the suction force of transpiration
pull, so they don’t collapse
Pits in cell walls Allow lateral water transport to
neighbouring cells
Tracheids have tapered ends Improved flexibility of the stem in wind
Vessels elements have open ends Water is transported directly to the next
No intercellular spaces Added support for the stem
Living parenchyma cells in between

Form vascular rays for water transport to
the cortex of the stem
Patterns of secondary wall thickening Improve flexibility of the stem in wind
and allow the stem to stretch as it

Activity: Observing the patterned secondary walls in the xylem of fresh plant tissue


To observe the patterned secondary walls in the xylem of fresh plant tissue


  • celery stalk, rhubarb stalks or pumpkin stems(macerated - chop them across and boil
    them in water for 3 minutes, then add an equal amount of glycerine. Cool before
    using. It can be stored for a few months in the refrigerator.)

  • microscopes and slides

  • dissecting needles

  • petri dishes or watch glasses

  • eosin solution


  1. Lift a small piece of celery / any other tissue chosen from the dish and transfer it to a
    watch glass or petri dish.

  2. Use the dissecting needle and a pencil toteasethe tissue apart (separate the thread-
    like, thicker cells away from each other). Try to get the long cells away from each other,
    otherwise bundles will be too thick to allow you to see individual cells. Ignore the thin
    walled parenchyma cells around them.

  3. Transfer the plant tissue to a microscope slide and add eosin solution. Separate a bit
    more if necessary.

  4. Examine under low power, focusing on the bundles of xylem vessels. Look for long
    bundles of fairly wide cells withthickening in the form of rings or spirals. Do not
    confuse xylem vessels with the more common and much narrower sclerenchyma fibres

128 5.3. Plant tissues

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