Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Sensory neuron Motor neuron Interneuron

Sensory neurons are
responsible for transmitting
various external stimuli from
the environment into internal
chemical messages (called
stimuli). They are activated
by touch, hearing etc.
Sensory nerve cells (or
sensory neurons) carry
impulses (electrical signals)
from a receptor to the central
nervous system (CNS).

Motor neurons carry impulses
from the CNS to the effectors
(muscle or glands). In most
cases the effector is a muscle
whose contraction is directed
by a particular impulse.
Other effectors could include
glands. The motor neuron
facilitates muscle contraction
in response to specific
impulses and chemicals
known as neurotransmitters.

These neurons are very short
compared to the sensory and
motor neurons. The
connectors or inter neurons
connect a sensory neuron
with a motor neuron. The
impulse travels from the cell
body at the head end along
the short axon to the

Connective tissue DUMMY

Connective tissue is a biological tissue that is important in supporting, connecting or sepa-
rating different types of tissues and organs in the body. All connective tissue is made up of
cells, fibres (such as collagen) and extracellular matrix. There are different types of connec-
tive tissues with different functions. The following table lists the different types of connective

136 5.4. Animal tissues

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