Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The number of
leukocytes is often a
measure of disease.
They make up
approximately 1%
of blood in a
healthy adult. A
change in the
amount of
leukocytes can often
be used to diagnose

Plasma donations
are important in
blood transfusion.
During World War
2, the blood plasma
transferred to
wounded soldiers
was important in
saving thousands of

Figure 5.33:
wounded sol-
dier receiving
blood plasma in
August, 1943

Platelets: also known as thrombocytes are produced in the bone marrow and are fragments
of bone marrow cells. They have no nuclei. Platelets assist in the clotting of blood and
prevent excessive bleeding.

Figure 5.32: Platelets clumping together to form a blood smear. Platelets are largely responsible for
wound repair and healing.

Plasma: Plasma is the pale-yellow component of blood that allows the rest of the components
of blood to float in suspension. It makes up about 55% of total blood volume. It contains
dissolved proteins, hormones, urea and carbon dioxide. Its main functions are to transport
nutrients, cells and metabolic waste products and maintain blood volume.

Activity: Knowing more about tissues: dissection of animal tissue


The aim of this dissection is for you to revise the theory behind tissues and apply your
knowledge to actual tissues.


You will be working in pairs. Instructions for this activity will be written initalics.

  • At the end of the practical you should:

    1. Know and be able to use dissecting instruments correctly, especially insertion and
      removal of blades.

    2. Be able to recognise and use ether responsibly

    3. Be familiar with apparatus: petri dish, dissecting tray.

    4. Use a scale: zero (calibrate) and record mass

    5. Perform simple mathematical calculations: percentage

    6. Be able to read a vernier calliper.

    7. Clean and dry thoroughly and appropriately.


  • 1 piece filter paper

  • scissors

  • forceps

  • threader

  • pointer

Chapter 5. Plant and animal tissues 139
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