Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • scalpel or knife

  • celery stalk (stem)

  • carrot (root)

  • glass slide

  • iodine solution (Stain) or water

  • cover slip

  • dissecting needle or tweezers

  • paper and pencil

  • blotting paper or paper towel or tissue

  • for variation you can also try using other vegetables


Prepare a temporary mount using the irrigation method:

  1. Cut a very thin slice (cross section) from the middle of the celery stem and the carrot
    root. Although you will not be able to see microscopic details of the carrot tissue under
    a microscope, the differentiation by colour will be evident.

  2. Place this section on a glass slide, in the centre.

  3. Add a drop of iodine solution on top of the sample to stain it. This makes it more
    visible under the microscope. Water can be used if iodine is not available.

  4. Place the coverslip next to the droplet, as shown in the diagram, then lower it slowly
    onto the glass slide. This will prevent bubbles forming under the coverslip. You can
    use a dissecting needle to lower the the coverslip into position. The drop will spread
    outward and suspend the sample between the slide and the coverslip.

166 6.2. Anatomy of dicotyledonous plants

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