Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Capillarity: refers to
the ability of a
liquid to flow
through narrow
spaces (capillary

  • ruler


  1. Remove the label from the Coke bottle. Cut the top of the bottle off 20cm from the
    bottom of the bottle. Poke holes in the bottom of the bottle for drainage. Hold the
    plant cutting in the container while you fill the container with soil. Leave one or two
    leaf buds about 5cm above the soil.

  2. Weigh the container to get the total weight of the bottle, soil and plant.

  3. Water the plant with enough water so that it starts to run out of the bottom of the bottle
    through the holes.

  4. Weigh the container again after the water has stopped running out and subtract the
    total weight in step 2 from the weight in step 4 to get the weight of the water. 1 litre
    of water is equal to 1 kilogram of water, therefore you can work out exactly how much
    water is in the container.

  5. Set the containers by the window where they will receive enough sunlight. Wait for
    the leaves to start growing (1-3 weeks).

  6. Once the leaves have started growing, weigh the containers every 1-3 days for 3 weeks.
    Subtract the new weight from the weight calculated in step 4. The new number is the
    amount of water that the plant is using. Water the plant as necessary (when the soil
    becomes dry), but remember to reweigh the container when you add more water so
    that you can still tell how much water the plant is taking up.

  7. Draw a graph of the amount of water the plant is using. The X-axis should show the
    number of days since the beginning of the experiment and the Y-axis should show the
    amount of water that the plant has used.


Record your results

Observations and evaluation:

  1. What were your observations?

  2. What could you have done to improve the experiment?


From the results of your graph write up your conclusion.

Transport of water and minerals to leaves DUMMY

We have dealt with the transport of water in plants from the roots to the leaves where it is
needed for the process of photosynthesis. We learnt that three processes are necessary for
the absorption and transport of water, namely; root pressure, capillarity, and transpiration.

To understand this section you also need to remember what you have learnt about:

182 6.4. Uptake of water and minerals in the roots
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