Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Apart from
osteocytes which
are embedded in
the lacunae of bone
there are two other
types of bone cells.
Osteoblasts: Bone
forming cells. These
cells allow the bone
to change and
remodel its shape as
the organism grows
and responds to
stresses. If a bone is
broken or if
strengthening is
needed, bone cells
lay down new tissue
and repair damaged
Osteoclasts: Special
bone cells for
destroying and
reabsorbing bone


Bones provide the framework and internal core structure for the attachment of muscles. Bone
is a living rigid tissue which forms the support structures for the rest of the body. The process
of bone formation is called ossification. The matrix of bone contains a dense arrangement
of collagen fibres together with mineral salts of calcium, magnesium and phosphates. The
calcium salts give bone its hardness and rigidity while collagen fibres give bones its flexibility
and strength.

Figure 7.17: A diagram of a section of compact bone showing Haversian canals.

Microscopic structure of a long bone

Numerous hollow tunnels calledHaversian canalsoccur within the matrix of bone tissue
and run parallel to the length of the bone. Under the microscope they appear as black
circles against a lighter background. Each Haversian canal is surrounded by concentric rings
of compact bone called lamellae. Each of these layers contains a ring of fluid-filled cavities
called lacunae. Each of these lacuna will contain a number of bone cells called osteocytes.
The lacunae are linked to each other and to the Haversian canal by a system of very tiny
interconnecting canals called canaliculi. Strands of cytoplasm extend through these canals
which supply the osteocytes with oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products. The
Haversian canals, lacunae, osteocytes and canaliculi together form a unit called an Haversian
System and a number of these systems make up compact bones.

Cartilage DUMMY

Main features

Cartilage is a tough semi-transparent flexible tissue that consists of a tough matrix or jelly-
like substance. The matrix is made up of collagen (a protein) and proteins with special
carbohydrate chains called proteoglycans. Cartilage is enclosed by a fibrous capsule called

208 7.4. Musculoskeletal tissues
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