WATCH:A video
showing a brief
summary of the five
See video:
Bacteria are found
everywhere and are
the most numerous
organisms on Earth.
In a single gram of
soil, there are about
40 million bacterial
cells. The human
body also contains
10 times as many
bacterial cells as
human cells!
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Monera (Bacteria)
Distinctive features of the Five Kingdoms DUMMY
We will now identify the main distinctive features of each kingdom:
Kingdom Monera
The Monera typically consist of prokaryotic, unicellular organisms. No nuclear membrane
or membrane-bound organelles such as chloroplasts, Golgi complex, mitochondria and en-
doplasmic reticulum are present. Monera have a cell wall of protein plus polysaccharide
compound, but not cellulose. They reproduce asexually by binary fission. Important exam-
ples of Monera include Archaea, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and bacteria.
Figure 10.6:Mycobacteriumbacteria that causes Tuberculosis.
Kingdom Protista
Protista are eukaryotic and can be unicellular or simple multicellular. They reproduce sexu-
ally or asexually. Important examples of protists include the organism known asPlasmodium
(which causes malaria),Amoeba, Euglena. There are two major groups of protists which in-
clude the Protozoans, whose cells are similar to animal cells in that they do not have cell
walls and the plant-like cells which do have cell walls and are similar to algae.
Chapter 10. Biodiversity and classification 303