Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


You may have heard
of the controversy
”fracking”. This is
also known as
fracturing’ and is the
process by which
rocks are broken up
(’fractured’) in order
to release natural
gas or petroleum.
There is an
estimated 485
trillion cubic feet of
gas in the Karoo in
South Africa,
making it the fifth
largest source of
natural gas in the
world. By using this
gas, South Africa
would be able to
reduce its
dependence on
coal. However the
use of fracking to
obtain this gas
would result in a
destruction of the
fossil record present
beneath the Earth’s
surface in this area
of South Africa.

11.5 Impact of humans on biodiversity and environment


Humanshave impacted the biodiversity and environment in several crucial ways. The broad
term used to describe this effect is known as theanthropogenic effectwhich refers to effects
created by human activity and normally refers to environmental pollution.

A number of activities that humans are involved in contribute to the changes in the environ-
ment. The table below lists some of these activities and their effects on the environment

Human activity Environmental Impact
Agriculture Climate change as a result of rising
carbon dioxide; deforestation and
desertification as well as use of fossil
Fishing Use of dynamite for fishing results in
destruction of habitats; Overfishing
results in extinction of fish species.
Irrigation Results in changes to the quality of the
soil and underground water. It also
uses up the water supply in the local
rivers and lake areas.
Meat production This is one of the largest contributors
to environmental degradation
worldwide. Current methods of animal
raising contribute to water pollution,
land degradation, climate change and
loss of biodiversity.
Oil industry The degradation of land, air pollution
and the environmentally toxic process
of oil extraction and processing results
in loss of biodiversity and destruction
of the environment.
Mining Mining results in erosion of soil,
contamination of the groundwater and
surface water by chemicals from
mining processes. It also results in
deforestation near mining sites.
Mining processes are highly toxic and
contamination resulting from mining
can affect the health of the population.
Transport The environmental impact of transport
is mainly due to its use of petroleum,
which creates air pollution. Air
pollution contributes to global
warming through emissions of carbon

334 11.5. Impact of humans on biodiversity and environment
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