Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Meals Energy (in kJ) Vitamin C (in mg) Calcium (in mg)
X 2900 25 70
Y 2100 47 265
Z 2600 40 170

a) Name three polysaccharide carbohydrates in meal X.
b) Giving one reason for each answer, which meal will:
i. provide the greatest source of energy?
ii. be most suitable for the development of healthy bones and teeth?
iii. be least suitable for people who are prone to scurvy?
c) Meal Z is relatively low in lipids (fat) yet high in energy content.
Which of the food components in Z provides the energy?
d) Which of the three meals can be regarded as the healthiest?
Give three reasons for your answer.

  1. The following information (given in the table below) appeared on a box of breakfast
    cereal. Use this information in the table to assist you in answering the questions that

Chapter 2. The chemistry of life 57
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