Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a) Name the nutrients tested for in each of the experiments numbered A, B, C & D.
b) Identify the chemicals numbered 1, 2 and 3.
c) State the colour change for a positive reaction in each of the test-tubes used in
the experiments numbered B, C and D.
d) Identify each of the compounds A, B and C. In each case give a reason for your
Which compound (A, B or C)
i. serves as a main source of energy in cellular respiration
ii. is most likely to form part of an enzyme

  1. The figure below shows the differences between the upper and lower basin of a water

Figure 2.25

a) What has caused the key differences between the upper and lower basin?
b) What could researchers have done to the water in the lower basin to simulate
eutrophication in rivers/dams.

Chapter 2. The chemistry of life 59
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