Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


In Life Sciences it is
important to note
that whenever a
structure has an
increased surface
area, there is an
increase in the
functioning of that

  • Cristae (folds of the inner membrane)

  • matrix (jelly-like substance within the inner membrane)

Schematic Diagram Micrograph

Figure 3.22: The major structures of the mitochondrion in three

Figure 3.23: Electron micro-
graph of a mitochondrion.

The table below relates each structure to its function.

Structure Function Adaptation to function
Outer mitochondrial

Transfer of nutrients (e.g
lipids) to mitochondrion

Has large number of
channels to facilitate transfer
of molecules
Intermembrane space Stores large proteins allowing
for cellular respiration

Its position between two
selectively permeable
membranes allows it to have
a unique composition
compared to the cytoplasm
and the matrix
Inner membrane Stores membrane proteins
that allow for energy

Contains folds known as
cristaewhich provide
increased surface area, thus
enabling production of ATP
(chemical potential energy)
Matrix Contains enzymes that allow
for the production of ATP

The matrix is contains a high
quantity of protein enzymes
which allow for ATP

Endoplasmic reticulum DUMMY

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells only. The ER has
a double membrane consisting of a network of hollow tubes, flattened sheets, and round

82 3.4. Cell organelles
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