Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Effect ofa
a > 1 : vertical stretch, amplitude


a= 0
a> 1
0 <a< 1
1 <a< 0
a< 1

a= 1: basic cosine graph

0 < a < 1 : amplitude decreases

 1 < a < 0 : reflection aboutx-
axis, amplitude decreases

a < 1 : reflection aboutx-axis,
amplitude increases

Table 6.8:The effect ofaon a cosine graph.

Effect ofq
q > 0 : vertical shift upwards byq


q= 1
q> 0
q< 0

q= 0: basic cosine graph

q < 0 : vertical shift downwards

Table 6.9:The effect ofqon a cosine graph.

Discovering the characteristics EMA5B

Domain and range
Forf() =acos+q, the domain is[0°; 360°]

It is easy to see that the range off()will be the same as the range ofasin+q. This is because the maximum
and minimum values ofacos+qwill be the same as the maximum and minimum values ofasin+q.

Fora > 0 the range off() =acos+qisff() :f() 2 [a+q;a+q]g

Fora < 0 the range off() =acos+qisff() :f() 2 [a+q;a+q]g


The period ofy=acos+qis 360 °. This means that one cosine wave is completed in 360 °.


They-intercept off() =acos+qis calculated in the same way as for sine.

194 6.6. Trigonometric functions
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