Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


(c) OC is rotated to OC�with C(−1;−4) and C�(1;4)

  1. Copy ΔXY Z onto squared paper. The co-ordinates are givenon the picture.

(a) Rotate ΔXY Z anti-clockwise throughan angle of 90 ◦about the origin to give ΔX�Y�Z�.
Give the co-ordinates of X�, Y�and Z�.
(b) Rotate ΔXY Z through 180 ◦about the origin to give ΔX��Y��Z��. Give the co-ordinates of
X��, Y��and Z��.


Y (−1;−4)


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(1.) 0138 (2.) 0139

Enlargement of a Polygon EMBCQ

When something is made larger, we say that it is enlarged. What happens to thecoordinates of a
polygon that is enlargedby a factor k?

Activity: Enlargement of a Polygon

Complete the table, by filling in the coordinatesof the points shown in the figure. Assume
each small square on the plot is 1 unit.
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