Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


(a) Decide on an interval width and state whatyou observe about yourchoice.
(b) Give your lowest interval.
(c) Give your highest interval.
(d) Construct a cumulative frequency graph anda frequency polygon.
(e) Compare the cumulative frequency graph and frequency polygon.
(f) Below what value do 53% of the cases fall?
(g) Below what value of 60% of the cases fall?

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(1.) 015n (2.) 015p

18.4 Distribution of Data EMBEB

Symmetric and SkewedData EMBEC

The shape of a data set is important to know.

DEFINITION: Shape of a data set

This describes how thedata is distributed relative to the mean and median.

  • Symmetrical data sets are balanced on either side of the median.

  • Skewed data is spreadout on one side more than on the other. It can be skewed right or skewed

skewed right

skewed left
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