Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


a^2 − 3 a− 10 = 0

Step 2 : Factorise the trinomial

(a + 2)(a− 5) = 0

Step 3 : Solve the equation

a + 2 = 0
a− 5 = 0
Solve the two linear equations and check the solutions in the original equation.

Step 4 : Write the final answer
Therefore, a =− 2 or a = 5

Example 3: Solving fractions that lead to a quadratic equation


Solve for b:b^3 +2b+ 1 =b+1^4


Step 1 : Multiply both sides over the lowest common denominator

3 b(b + 1) + (b + 2)(b + 1)
(b + 2)(b + 1)


4(b + 2)
(b + 2)(b + 1)

Step 2 : Determine the restrictions
The restrictions are the values for b that would result in thedenominator being 0.
Since a denominator of 0 would make the fraction undefined, b cannot be these
values. Therefore, b�=− 2 and b�=− 1

Step 3 : Simplify equation to the standard form
The denominators on both sides of the equation are equal. This means we can
drop them (by multiplying both sides of the equation by (b + 2)(b + 1)) and just
work with the numerators.

3 b^2 + 3b + b^2 + 3b + 2 = 4b + 8
4 b^2 + 2b− 6 = 0
2 b^2 + b− 3 = 0

Step 4 : Factorise the trinomialand solve the equation
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