Everything Maths Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Example 10: Calculation of TurningPoints


Calculate the turning points of the graph of the function

f (x) = 2x^3 − 9 x^2 + 12x− 15



Step 1 : Determine the derivative of f (x)
Using the rules of differentiation we get:

f�(x) = 6x^2 − 18 x + 12

Step 2 : Set f�(x) = 0 and calculate x-coordinate of turning point

6 x^2 − 18 x + 12 = 0
x^2 − 3 x + 2 = 0
(x− 2)(x− 1) = 0

Therefore, the turning points are at x = 2 and x = 1.

Step 3 : Substitute x-coordinate of turning point into f (x) to determine y-coordinates

f (2) = 2(2)^3 − 9(2)^2 + 12(2)− 15
= 16− 36 + 24− 15
=− 11.

f (1) = 2(1)^3 − 9(1)^2 + 12(1)− 15
= 2− 9 + 12− 15
=− 10

Step 4 : Write final answer
The turning points of the graph of f (x) = 2x^3 − 9 x^2 + 12x− 15 are (2;−11)
and (1;−10).

We are now ready to sketch graphs of functions.


Sketching Graphs: Suppose we are given that f (x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d, then there are five steps to
be followed to sketch the graph of the function:

  1. Determine the valueof the y-intercept by substituting x = 0 into f (x)

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