Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



It isn’t enough to study chemistry the way the SAT Chemistry Subject Test tests
it; you must also study the questions themselves. You will need to understand the
way they’re designed and be familiar with certain techniques that systematically
lead to correct answers.

When you sit down to take this test, you won’t know the answers to all of the
questions. But in Chapter 2 of this book, we’ll show you ways to choose the
correct answer even if you don’t know it right away. We’ll present eight
strategies that will help you “outsmart” the SAT Chemistry Subject Test and its
writers. Then, in Chapters 3 through 14 , we’ll show you over and over again
how to use them.

Our strategies are powerful stuff. They teach you how to find the right answers
logically and systematically—in much the same way that a detective solves a

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