Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
double  bonds,  but no  single  bonds.  The answer  is  (A).

  1. B Determine the structure of SO 2 . Sulfur is the central atom, and each

atom has 6 valence electrons. Arranging them all so that they have octets
gives you

Notice  that    there   are three   electron    pair    sites   around  the
central sulfur atom (a double or triple bond counts as
only one site), one of which is a lone pair. This will
result in a bent shape, so (B) is correct.

  1. E In the course of this reaction, 4 moles of C–H bonds and 1 mole of
    Cl–Cl bonds are broken. So 4(410 kJ) + 240 kJ, or 1,880 kJ, are needed to
    break these bonds. The reaction produces 1 mole of C–Cl bonds, 1 mole of
    H–Cl bonds, and 3 moles of C–H bonds. So 330 kJ + 430 kJ + 3(410 kJ), or
    1,990 kJ, of energy is released by bond making. The net change, which is
    roughly equal to ∆H, is 1,880 kJ − 1,990 kJ = −110 kJ. Therefore, this
    reaction is exothermic, and the correct answer is (E).

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