Grades 3-5 Math Problem Solving in Action_ Getting Students to Love Word Problems

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
How Many Legs?
A dog has four legs.

How many legs does 2 dogs have?

How many legs do 3 dogs have?

If there are 16 legs, how many dogs are there?

In the farmyard there are 6 legs. There are chickens and cows.
How many chickens and how many cows are there?

In the farmyard. There are 8 legs. There are chickens and cows.
How many chickens and how many cows are there?
In the farmyard there are 10 legs. There are chickens and cows.
How many chickens and how many cows?
Make up your own chickens and cows problem.

Figure 6.19 Visualizing the Problem

Version 2

In the farmyard there are 24 legs. There are crickets, chickens
and cows. How many crickets, chickens and cows are there?

In the farmyard. There are 30 legs. There are chickens, cows and
crickets. How many of each animal could there be if there were
some of all the animals?
Make up your own chickens, crickets and cows problem below:

Figure 6.20 Visualizing the Problem

Version 2

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